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Hey guys!  Wow it's been so long since I've updated.  School, driving, and life has just gotten in the way.  But anywho~

This chapter may turn out a little short (unintended!).  I'm currently at school watching @love_hate_heart attempt to type in Japanese.  Enough said XD

Anyway, I'll stop babbling now. Enjoy!


POV: Elaine

     You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you this, but the tiniest empty corners in a room are the most comfortable.  I mean, it's kind of like your own little world.  Some time, you should take a minute from your socially absorbed lives and try this.  Turn off the phone, take a break from your friends, and just sit.  And think.  You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you it's a good amount of time well spent.


     My eyes skim the crumpled lined paper over each scrawly word I wrote, and smiled at my work.  Standing up, I walk over to the water-marked mirrors and gently pull back the lower right corner and stick the note inside.  It may seem weird, but this is a legitimate thing at Burlington Public High School.  I, otherwise known as -E, write these short notes and leave them in the same spot every day.  Someone must have found one before, because word got out about it and some people have actually left responses before.  Usually, the one who consitantly responds writes with a pink pen in tightly woven neat cursive.  

      Straightening my skirt, I exit the girls' bathroom and head down the hall.  As stated in my daily note, everyone appeared to be, as usual, socially absorbed.  Each and every clique was extremely oblivious as to where they stood.  Actually, they practically stood in the same groups every day; I could tell you where every one is with my eyes closed.  

     Cheerleaders, football jocks, geeks, artsy girls, druggies, and outcasts.  Me?  I don't fall under any of these.  Except for my best friend Celine, I pretty much wing everything myself.  No, I wouldn't exactly say I'm a loner.  I just don't feel the need to be in some kind of clique, I don't need that to define me.  

     Though, the one thing that does bother me the most is the fact that, out of all the cliques here, the cheerleaders are the ones that have to be packed into my study hall this semester.  Honestly, I could care a whole lot less if they didn't feel the need to talk about such useless things.  I mean really, can you all just agree on one color bow to wear and move on with your lives?

     But, it's not all that bad.  My study hall is in the art room, so it's not like there's never anything to work on.  Sitting in my regular chair, I open my notebook and start to cram for my Pre-Calc test next period.  

     About ten short minutes into the period, my teacher, Mrs. Stenson, is tapping me on the shoulder. 

      "Elaine, you're needed in the office," she says motioning to the vice principal standing in the doorway.  

     Of course, that got the cheerleaders attention.  They all bring their heads together and whisper to each other, their ponytails bobbing with every statement.  I quickly shove my notebook in my bag and exit into the hall with the vice principal.  What could I have done?  I never do anything bad.  Well, maybe except for that time I took a brownie from the teacher's lounge.  But that was last year.. did they find out?  Doubtful.  

     Stepping into the principal's office, his face is stern, as usual.  That's the scary part about coming in here - you never know what you're there for.  His face stays the same.  He motions for me to sit down in a chair in front of his enormous desk, and I do so completely silenced.  He finally broke the silence. 

      "Elaine, do you know why you're here?"

     Uh, does it look like I do?  "No," I answer quietly.  "What is it?"

     He takes a yellow led package off his desk handing it to me, his lips curving into a small smile.  "We're very proud of you, Elaine."

     I take the package, all the weight lifting off my shoulders.  Unless the principal suddenly had an interest in troublemaking teens, I was safe.  I tear open the tape covering the opening with my thumb and pull out a crisp, white official looking paper.  Skimming over the words, my eyes involuntarily go wide as saucers.  

     No way. 


Alright, there's chapter three!  I promise the cliffhangers will stop once we get through all the characters.  It helps build the story, I guess.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2013 ⏰

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