
16 4 1

-username 19/20
-header&picture 16/20 (the header is a little blurry but they match and you made it so props to that)
-bio 17/20 (maybe one sentence about who you like (your fandom) and then it would be perfect. I love the quote!)
-book covers 18/20 (the electric theme is terrifyingly cool. and I really like the template you've used and the way the individual pictures represent the story title. the only thing I'd say is to maybe in future use a bolder font just for the titles, so they can stand out a bit more)
-message board 20/20 (you keep people in the know and you reply to questions and compliments so well done)

out of ten = 9/10

10/10 = 95/100 or above
9/10 = 90's
8/10 = 80's
7/10 = 70's
6/10 = 60's
5/10 = 50's
4/10 = 49/100 and below



acc rates by jNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ