#43 The Letter he finds after You die

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Dear Harry,

I'm so sorry that I left you. It feels to soon to leave you. I guess my health was worst then I thought. I had a feeling that I wouldn't survive Harry, but you know what? All those things that I talked you into, were things that I wanted you to have memories with me. I love you so much Harry Styles. Don't worry, I want you to be happy. I don't care how long it takes you to move on from me. Take your time darling. You don't have to rush it. Even if the boys are trying to force you. I'm happy for you no matter what happens. I'll watch over you and let you know when the right girl comes along for you. I won't let you down my sexy flirt. I love you!



Dear Daddy Directioner,

Hey baby, I'm sorry that I didn't make it after our daughters were born. I was having so many complications with them throughout the pregnancy. When you were on tour and I went to the doctors for my check ups with your mom they said that it looked like I'll need to do a C-section but wouldn't make it. Same with natural birth because I was too skinny. I love you Daddy Direction. I know that our girls will love you to. I named one of the girls after me so you can remember me, and the other ones name is Abby Jo Payne. You can decide which girl gets what name with our moms. I love you babe. You were my rock. I have written the girls each some letters and made video diaries throughout our relationship and my pregnancy. They will know who I am. Don't worry. I love you Liam Payne!



Dear Niall,

Words can not describe my love for you. I left you a video diary. I hope you watch it. I left you all my recipes. Have Liam cook them. You'll just cook them wrong. Go watch the video diary. It has more on there for you. It's to hard to write everything on here for you. I love you Ni. Way more then food. You give the best EVERYTHING! Wink wink.



Dear Louis,

I can't believe I'm gone. No more pranks, kisses and much much more. You are my everything. I'll never loose my feelings for you. I have never felt this kind of love with anyone else. If I lost you my world would have been over. But that's how you feel with me. I'm sorry I left. If only that cancer would have gone away. I wish that I didn't have it that way I could still be with you. My little sexy sass master. Love you.


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