Again YAY!!!

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Da rules!!!
1. You must post all rules
2. You must tag 10 or more people
3. You must post 13 facts about yourself
4. You must answer 13 questions and give 13 more
5. You can't say you don't tag
6. Tag backs are allowed
7. You have to finish this within a week or you will be reminded by me
8. Be creative with your title

Some things about me:

1. I have five different heritage's
2. I was sitting in a corner when I made this
3. I have a rock collection and I proud of it
4. I am very artsy
5. My girl scout troop gave me a pocket knife(six inches of awesome)
6. I have multiple personalities
7. I am bullied
8. I am a massive gamer
9. My family is very tall like they be 6 foot and I here like 4'11
10. I scare the crap out of a lot of people
11. Gets scared easily
12. I is female
13. Is purposely writing grammer this bad XD

Questions I was asked:

1. What country are you from.

I'm from 'murica (america)

2. What do you think of vocaloid

I like it its nice

3. Whats your favorite online strategy game

Probably RUN or BLOXOR (look them up on coolmath)

4. Do you know any other language besides your mothers tounge

Yes I do ....surprisingly

5. Favorite country

I have to say it either Italy or Norway

6. Worst fear

Losing my friend and family for my stupidity (almost happened) and snakes I really don't like snakes

7. Do you have a diary

Nope never had never will...hopefully

8. What's your phone/device brand

Amazon tablet

9. What's more expensive Apple or Samsung

I don't know so I just guess and I guess Apple

10. What's are your favorite ships

UsUk and SuFin

11. Do you love food

Food is AWSOME

Hetalia X Bullied ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now