15 |His reason|

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BamBam sat down in Yugyeom's lap munching on some chocolate bar. He fed the younger without any warning but the other accepted the food anyway. Jinyoung smiled at them squeezing Mark's hands tighter to which the elder rolled his eyes. By accident a small laugh escaped Jinyoung's lips as he immediately looked away from the couple. But they already noticed.

"Hyung, you're being a creep again." Yugyeom innocently said making the older murmur a shy no that didn't help his situation at all.

"Focus on Mark-hyung for now." BamBam smiled sheepishly.


"Ah, I almost forgot," The maknae cut off the protests about to follow, "My father wanted to see you. He said to come as soon as you can."

"Oh, really? Why?"

"Didn't say. Business related." Yugyeom shook his head remembering his father's words from earlier.

"Business? Well, I guess I shouldn't keep him waiting."


The corridor was so familiar to Jinyoung he didn't need any of the servants in the house to guide him through. He knew the place since he was a little child when all seven boys used to play in the mansion every day. Now that they were teenagers they spend most of their time talking and... playing. Jinyoung laughed at the thought of them not changing since their childhood.

At that time he didn't know how fast his smile will vanish.

He knocked on the wooden door and peeked inside. The desk was occupied by a man in his mid-fourties writing on some documents. His hair was turning grey, his cold dark eyes focused on the work. He neatly scooped the pile of paper to the side of his huge oak desk and gave the boy at the door a firm nod. Jinyoung bowed sitting down on the chair in front.

"You wanted to see me, sir."

"I'm going straight to the point with you," The man eyed Jinyoung with a dissatisfied look, "Your father wants to sell the restaurant to me."


"I'd offer a pretty good price considering the place is worth a lot but he insisted I get a friend discount," Yugyeom's father chuckled, "He told me he's willing to do anything to get rid off that place."

Jinyoung felt like his heart wasn't even beating anymore, "Why are you telling me this, sir?"

"Because I have a preposition. I didn't want to come to this but if you answer my questions I'll deny your father's offer. I won't be able to manage the restaurant as well as you after all."

"Thank you, sir."

"This is very important and I would like you to answer truthfully," Jinyoung's eyes met the other's and he could easily see the determination in the man's pupils grow, "I'm asking you as a father."

The boy was feeling more than uneasy. He was terrified the moment he realized he'll have to choose between Yugyeom and his mother's restaurant. He wouldn't know how to face any of the two later on after this chat was over.

"I'll do my best to satisfy your questions, sir."

"I'm glad to hear that. Now, I've been trying to understand the relationships in your group of.. friends," The man said the last word as if it wasn't the right term he was searching for, "Could you clear it out for me?"

"I believe I do not understand what you're saying, sir," Jinyoung could feel cold sweat on the back of his neck but he kept his steady posture, "We are friends since children."

"Yes, yes, I presume that's the case. But do friends usually...do what you do?"

"Sorry, sir—"

"Do friends hold hands?"

The question struck Jinyoung as he tried to process it. He never thought about holding hands as a wrong thing but he knew parents could be thinking all wrong about it. After all, they were rich kids who were supposed to keep high standards and not show any affection and/or emotion. But when the seven of them were together they slowly forgot reality and in moments like this they would get reminded the hard way.

"If you mean to ask about mine and Mark Tuan's relationship there is nothing more than—"

"No, no, I don't mean to intrude in your personal life. I'm curious about my son," The man suddenly sat up from his chair causing Jinyoung to follow his action out of respect, "Does he usually have any intimate actions towards his friends? Maybe someone in particular?"

All of this felt so wrong to Jinyoung. He knew what was happening but he didn't know how to deal with it. His mind was racing so fast, thinking of different ways to save the couple from being exposed but he couldn't come up with anything that would actually make sense.

"I do not know anything about that. Perhaps you should ask Yugyeom himself."

"Now, that's where your acting skills come in handy, am I right? You've improved so much, Jinyoung, it makes me proud. But now is not the time for lies and half-truths so speak up."

Angry, maybe even bewildered, Jinyoung desperately longed for Mark to be here with him so he could squeeze his hand until the nervousness stopped clouding his vision. But Mark wasn't here. He was back in the living room with all the other six boys unsuspecting the tragedy bound to come.

"Did this brat I call a son, really think I wouldn't notice? I have my eyes on him wherever he goes, whatever he does and he still has enough confidence to even do such ungodly things in my house. This Thai kid, it's him right? He made my son stray from the right path. I'll make him go back to where he came from. I'll prohibit him from entering Korea ever again. Do you think I don't have that much power, Jinyoung? It doesn't matter even if I buy your shitty restaurant I'll still have enough money to do it."

Jinyoung slammed his fist on the table. He couldn't take anymore of this ranting the man was making him listen to. He didn't want to hear anything.

"My apologies, sir but I think you are overstepping your boundaries here—"

"Overstepping my boundaries? Are you gaining confidence too? Jinyoung-ah, you were always a good kid but you've disappointed me today. Anyways, you can exit now. You already told me everything I need to know."

"I didn't agree—"

"You don't need to. Keep your precious restaurant I'll take care of my son. Both of us win, don't you think?"

But Jinyoung couldn't think.


a/n first of all omg 1k reads thank you so much
yugyeom's father scares me  >^< I'm sorry for all the fillers in this story but it's all for the plot. also there's like 2 markjin moments and like 26271 jackjae & yugbam but blame it on the plot alright

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