Chapter 18

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"Taehyung, you're missing your whole mouth." Jungkook laughed as he watched his boyfriend unsuccessfully feed himself. He reached over, taking the spoon from the older's hand as he began to scoop the food.

"I can feed myself Kookie."

"Apparently not. Just let me do this."

Much to Taehyung's distaste, he allowed Jungkook to feed him, just like he had allowed the younger to do every day for the past week. Feeding himself was just one disadvantage with not being able to see.

"I don't understand Kookie. I use to eat in the dark. Why is this any different?" The blonde hair frowned. He could hear the sound of dishes clattering together. Jungkook must be taking care of the finished plates.

"You're still recovering. I take it that your mind is filled with so much thoughts that you can't focus on one simple task." Jungkook replied, settling himself on the bed beside the older as Taehyung shifted to make room. "Just let me take care of you."

"You're not going to be here forever."

It was almost a whisper but Jungkook heard it clearly. He furrowed his brows, stroking the elder's blonde locks softly. "Hyung, I love you. I'll never leave your side."

"C'mon, lets be realistic here. I may be blind but I'm not stupid." Taehyung huffed. "You're an idol Jungkook. You'll be leaving to do your schedules and I'm going to be stuck at home, trying to learn how to live my every day life without being able to see."

"The doctor said it's only temporary."

"And if it's not?" Taehyung interrupted. "What if my eyes don't heal properly? What if this is forever?"

"So what if it is?" Jungkook raised his voice, sitting up to look at the other. "That doesn't mean anything. It won't stop me from loving you. I'll be with you no matter the circumstances."

"You deserve better --"

" -- Then I'll be single forever." Jungkook argued. "There's no one better than you. Hyung, don't you get it? You're the best thing that's ever happened in my life. I finally found someone who understands me."

Taehyung bit his lower lip. Unsure where to look, he kept his head down and fiddled around with his fingers. Jungkook recognized this sort of action as something the elder does when he's shy or nervous. He reached down, taking Taehyung's hands in his, and kissed each finger individually.

"I love you Taehyung. Every little part of you."

"I love you too Jungkook."


Things got better from that day on. With the help of Jungkook, Taehyung got use to learning the different parts of his hospital room, counting his step to the restroom, becoming familiar with the shower and not having to count on Jungkook to shower him, although that didn't stop Jungkook from joining him on some nights.

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