Beep Beep Beep

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Hey guys there has been some (Little) Votes but its still somthing so im gonna update... This chapter dosent have any ... Smut, BoyxBoy or anything like that but i promise the next one will ;)

Joes P.O.V

"Beep***Beep***Beep" That is the first noise i hear as my eyes slowly start to peel open, i get little flashbacks of a red mini cooper flying over the top of the car i was in. Then i see finn;s face in the car looking right at me. i raised out of my bed and shouted finn... pulling some tubes off my bpdy and out of the machine... there was a sudden pain shooting up my legs and *OUCH* My head felt like ot was away to implode. as i recovered o saw a tall figure standing over my bed.

"Joe?? Can you hear me joe" The shadow spoke and i recognised the voice... Caspar..."Caspar?" i said in a deep husky voice "Where is jack and ... FINN, are they alright". Caspar Lowered his head and i was ready for the worst.Caspar lifted his hand and pointed to the curtian to the left of me and pulled it open...

FINN was lying in a bed RIGHT NEXT TO ME "Is He OK I NEED TO KNOW?" i shouted at caspar worried for my crushes life... "He has been uncontios for 15 Hours now and he hit his head pretty bad... there may bee some internal bleeding." Casper wiped away a tear from his eye and walked out the room with no more words.

I felt tears filling my eyes. It was all my fault.

Jacks P.O.V

"MUM I SWEAR IT WAS AN ACCEDENT" I shouted at mum "DONT LIE TO ME BOYO I KNOW HOW YOU THINK BECUASE YOU HAVE ALL OF THIS FAME AND ATTENTION YOU ARE INVINCABLE" That hurt coming from my mother "WHAT SO YOU THING I PUT JOE AND FINN IN HOSPITAL ON PURPOSE" Mum bowed her head... "Dont say his name, GET OUT!!!" Mum was being serial... what whas i supposed to do where do i go? 

*1 Hour 13 Min Later*

All my stuff was packed and as i was walking throught the corridor towards the frounnt door i overheard my dad saying "It should of been him not... finny" then my mum bursting into tears at that point it ran out the house to the hospital. 

End of this Chapter 

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