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***3 weeks later***
Bethany pov

It was the day of Hannahs funeral. It was a hot day so I put on my black scatter dress with some slip on shouse. I then put my hair in a fishtail plait at the back as i then grabed me tablets. I'd been diagnosed with narcolepsy but right now only Joe knew. "Where you going?" Danielle asked as I walked down stairs. "So you talking to me now?" I replyed. "If your going to see Joe why can't I come!" She snapped. "He needs space" I awnserd "Your just hogging my brothet because you miss yours" she Spat back. "One he's only your half brother and two I'm his girlfriend " I awnserd. "Girlfriend or bootycall" Mimi chipped in. "Just fuck of yer" I Snapped as I stormed out.

Joe pov

As I walked into the church where the funeral was a fue people starred at me. Everyone knew i was inocccent but there was still quite a fue who didn't belive it.

As I took my seat the sadness just over welled me but I couldn't even cry. Then I felt a hand on mine, it was Bethany. Only then i revised I was shaking. "It's going to be ok I promise" she wisperd as I nodded.

***later On***

I kneeled at the grave just rereading the ingavemten.

Hannah Lewis
Died 14th July 2016
Was an amazing friend and daughter.
Will be truly missed.

sat there tracing my thingers were over the engravement for a moment. She didn't desire all this. I should of done more to stop it. I then placed my letter underneath a magnet she had got me when we were together saying "with love". The letter read:

Dear Hannah,
I know yournever going to read this but i feel like i should write to you anyway. Im so sorry for how things turned out. I should if been there for you and I wasent. I'll never forgive myself for that. You were so strong for so long. I'd do anything to go back to when we were just little kids playing games with no troubles at all. I'm sorry.

Love Joe

"It's not your fault you know that" Bethany said reading the letter over my shoulder. You helped the police find the man who raped her" she awnserd. "Yer a day after. To little to late" I awnserd. "You tryed you best. For a 'bad boy' you did good" she awnserd helping me up as we hugged. "Its ok to cry" she awnserd as I just broke down a bit. Not thst much but for me it was everything.

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