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I woke up, feeling hot. The heat in the cabin was getting unbearable, and it didn't make it no better with Marceil sleep on me. I looked behind me, and saw Ma Dear still sleeping, and knew we'd have to separate soon. I was pinned under him slightly, so I shook his shoulder trying to wake him up. He groaned, and I pushed him a little more, before he opened his eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked, groggily. "We gotta move the beds," I said, and he sighed before, moving his arm from around me. He used his strength, and just pushed the bed into place. I got up, and stretched, before I went to grab my soap and dress. "I'll be back," I told him, and he nodded before closing his eyes again.

I went out to the creek, and took my slip off, before getting into the water. I began to wash, all the sticky sweat off. I started thinking about how, this week turned out. I been trying to stay helpful for Mistress Sophia, so I don't have to cross Master Jean none, and it's been working fine. Mistress Sophia, also started helping me with my french too, since she say she want me to speak it to the girls.

I thought she been a little nicer too, but I wasn't gone hold my breath, thinking it would last. I switched to thinking bout Marceil, and couldn't help but smile. He was so nice, and helped me take my worries away. He was a gentleman, and I liked it. He wasn't ever fresh with me, and made sure Ma Dear, and I were fine. He was a real good friend, and made me feel safe whenever he was around. Only thing I ain't like was him and Tabi, dealing. He needed somebody better than her.

I finished washing, and was about to get out, but I didn't see my clothes on the tree branch no more. "Marceil?" I called out since I didn't see anybody. "You out here?!" I yelled looking around. "Xavier? Is y'all playing with me?!" I called out again. I heard a few branches crunch, and looked in the direction, and saw George, in between the trees.

"What you doing out here?" I asked, and he smirked. "I just came to see bout you. Ain't seen you all week." He said, and I frowned. "You got my clothes?" I asked, and he came closer and held them up. "I was gone give them to you." He said holding his hand out with them. "Just put them back, and I'll see you later." I said, staying in the water so he couldn't see me.

"I don't think they safe up there. Anybody could get to them." He said, and I started to feel scared. "Why you ain't been coming by me no more? I been trying to show you I'm serious." He started up. "This ain't the time to be talking bout that. Put my clothes down." I said, and he shook his head. "Ain't gone be no time with you, keep running from me. You listening to what Xa and Adam been saying about me?" He asked, and I started getting mad.

"They ain't have to tell me nothing bout you! I know about your deal with Master Jean about the girls here! I'm not going to be one up under you, you can get that out of your head!" I yelled angrily. "I ain't got no deal with Master Jean. That's how I know you letting them get in your head, now come on out of there." He said, and I shook my head.

"No! Leave me alone," I yelled again, and I heard more rustling in the trees. I moved deeper in the water away from the bank, before Marceil came into view. "Put my clothes back," I repeated, and Marceil looked at him real hard. George, sucked his teeth before looking back at Marceil. He threw them, close to the water before he cut his eyes back at me. "I'll see you later, Aminata." He said before he walked past, bumping Marceil's shoulder.

I waited for him to leave, and Marceil went to pick my clothes up. "You okay?" He asked, and I nodded. "Close your eyes." I told him, and he did so. I got out of the water, and took my clothes from him, before I went to hide behind a rock. "What you doing out here?" I asked him, and he opened his eyes again. "I heard you yelling, and I was coming to see what was going on. Glad I did." He said, and I nodded.

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