Chapter 5: Meetings

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Naruto made his way with Fuu to the rich sector of the village. "I know it's around here somewhere..." Naruto said, while deep in thought.

"Can I help you, Naruto?" a familiar voice came from inside a darkened entrance asked.

Naruto squinted to see who was speaking. He then recognized the man with long hair and white eyes. "Neji, not quite who we were looking for, but I think you might be able to help us," Naruto said sheepishly.

Neji scowled, but then asked, "How would I be able to help you Naruto?"

Naruto scratched the back of his head and scuffed the ground in nervous agitation. "Well... we were looking for Hinata... I had a question to ask her..."

Neji turned, and hid his smirk. "You and your friend will have to meet with Hiashi-sama before you can talk to Hinata-sama, so follow me."

He led them down a hallway, after they had removed their sandals. They turned a corner to find a young woman with long dark hair and a man sparing. Naruto felt the familiar presence of Hinata, but quite surprised to see the girl, no woman before him. She wasn't wearing the usual baggy coat she had worn for year. She wore a full black body suit that was somewhat loose, but it accentuated all of her curves. Neji smirked at the look on Naruto's face. 'Yes, she has grown into quite the woman, hasn't she? But do not hurt my sister or you will pay,' he thought watching Naruto, who seemed to watch the spar more than her figure. This pleased him, especially after spending three years with an avowed pervert.

The man broke his stance and bowed to Hinata, who returned the gesture. "That is enough for today. We have guests. Why don't you freshen up, Hinata," Hiashi said gently.

"Hai," she exclaimed and jogged off without noticing who the guests were.

Hiashi waited until she was out of earshot before he asked, "So what do I owe the pleasure of this visit Uzumaki-san and guest?"

Naruto bowed and said in an embarrassed tone, "I would like the privilege to speak with your daughter about her possible feelings towards me... sir..."

Hiashi smirked and then walked towards the side of the sparing area. He motioned for them to follow. They walked around the area to meet him at the far side of the area where towels were hung on the railing. "That will be all Neji-kun," Hiashi said, thus dismissing Neji, who bowed and left the area.

Hiashi sighed and said, "You've been an inspiration for my clan, Uzumaki-san," Hiashi said to start the conversation, but looked up into the clouds, instead of at the person he was talking too.

Naruto was confused, but asked, "How have I been an inspiration?"

"I know of your burden, as do all that have attained chuunin level or higher, Uzumaki-san. My daughter and nephew have used you to inspire them to train themselves that much harder. They both look up to you for the burden you carry and for who you are. Also with what you promised at the chuunin exams, you have given the branch family something to look forward too. They will support you when the time is right for you to attempt to become Hokage. I know that will be a few years out, but even with that you have the support of my clan and myself," Hiashi explained. He then took a deep breath and changed gears by saying, "As for my daughter, she is a young impressionable woman and I don't want her hurt. I know that you're a little naïve about matters of the heart and thus I ask you one thing. Please do not break her heart. I know that you will have achieved much in your travels with Jiraiya-sama, but I will not stand for you breaking my daughter's heart."

Naruto was a little unnerved by this proclamation. It appeared that Hiashi wasn't opposed to his seeing Hinata, but he wanted to make sure that Naruto would be good to her.

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