"You're Not A Very Nice Person."

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I never meant to call you out.
I've always seen behind your Smoke and Mirrors.
Oh sweetheart, please dont yell at me, it really isnt hard to see: The truth that's rotting underneath.

You made your way over to the rec room, since it was around dinner time, silently humming to yourself. You took slow, steady steps, moving heel-to-toe. You heard rapid footsteps coming your way from behind you, and short after a smack to the back of your head sent you out of balance, making you topple forward, but you quickly regained your balance. "Move it, Snail!" Heh. Snail. A sadly, all too familar nickname Scout liked to give you because of your French origin. "Merde, Scout, do zhat again and I'll-" Your sentence stopped abruptly as you heard the voice of the team's Engineer. "Scout, Cut tha' ou'." Your beloved said as he made his way over to the rec room as well, where Medic had made the table with Pyro's assistance. You sat in your usual spot, your love, whom is the Engineer, in case you didnt pick that up, a.k.a. Dell Conagher, sitting across the table from you. He was reading a letter, not really paying attention to any of the men dribbling inside and sitting down. The Scottish Cyclops was the first one to notice the name on the envelope: Irene. He spoke up. "Aye, Engie. Ye gottae letter from yer wife after so long?" Your eyes slightly widened as you looked down at the table. Wife? How come you never knew this? How come you never knew Dell was married?

"Wife..?" You spoke up. You felt your blood coming to a boil, your cheeks heating up and sweat forming on your back and forehead. Your man, was already taken by some filthy scumbag excuse of a woman. Oh you were so not letting this slip by.

Why weren't you honest from the start?..
You know, I always thought she must have liked you.
Shes just a temptress, dont you know?
She says she loves you, even though,
She only wants to steal your soul.

I ' l l  s a v e  y o u .

Dell looked up at the sound of your whisper. "Yeah, thought Ah told y'all 'bout Irene. Did Ah skip you on this information, [YourName]?"
You straightened your back, trying to look not as offended and angry as you were. "You most certainly did, Monsieur Engineer. I know you are not fond of Spies, but I am on your side here, vous comprenez?" Engie had a mild French vocab so he nodded, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, Ah apologize for 'dat then. Musta' been confusin' for ya." Your eyes softly narrowed. "Oui. Confusing." Just as you were about to make a statement, Pyro piped up, mumbling behind his gasmask and pointing at his cheeks, then at you. "Pah! upset?! Now what in the world should I be upset about?" You bellowed a little too obvious, Earning stares and raised eyebrows from the men in the room. You looked around and noted your obviousness. "Ahem. Non. I am not upset." Pyro placed their hands on their hips, head lightly crooked to the right. "Mhyss yhh hhrr." They murmured while pointing at you. "Non. I'm not. Now if you'll excuse me, I am not hungry anymore." You get up from your seat and walk out of the Rec Room, your head spinning with thoughts. You have had this issue since you were a little kid.

You said you'd always be my friend. That we'd get married when we both got older. I never heard those words before, You made me long for something more, But then she tried to steal your love.

Always so greedy, always so possesive, Never wanting to share. You blindly turned the corner to Engineer's workplace. You were seeing red. Red, and nothing else. You knelt down to pick the lock, only to realise the door was already open. Right. Engineer was so kindhearted and soft, He'd never lock his workplace. Also because the mercenaries would often go by him and it would be kind of a pain to stand up and unlock the door every single time. You rose back to your feet and pushed open the door, being greeted by the smell of oil. You took it in with a smile. Dell always smelled like oil, so you've taught yourself to become fond of it. You strolled inside, walking straight to his personal belongings. You knew where he hid them, as you have been there many, many times before. You went right for his phone, ready to decode his password, but saw he didn't have any. What else should you expect. As you scrolled through his contacts, you felt your blood boiling up the closer you got to the letter I. And there it was. Irene Conagher, Nicknamed "Lil' Lady♡". You pressed the dial button, and waited.

Engineer x Yandere!Spy!Reader - You're Not A Very Nice PersonWhere stories live. Discover now