I take a deep breath and keep it in as I put my dress on. Slipping it on was easier here than at the bridal store. I think I lost a little weight from then to now. At least I hope I did, I've been watching my weight preparing for this
exact occasion.

The dress is a light blue with a dark blue ombré. It has a sweetheart neckline, tight at the waist, then puffs out at the hips. The dress is big and beautiful. It's what I always wanted.

My shoes match the dark blue and have little black and clear jewels on them. They're strapped heals, so they're a little uncomfortable, but they look real good with the dress so I can't complain.

My hair is in loose curls and has sparkly spray in it. I have brown hair that brushes at the shoulders, so the sparkle gives it a little bit of something.

I have dark black eye shadow and thick eyeliner with fake lashes. My eyes are really light so the dark eyeshadow makes them pop a little more. My lips are a nude color with sparkly clear lip gloss, so it doesn't take away from my eyes. I usually don't wear much makeup but I couldn't wait to put all this on, I feel so beautiful. Almost like the brunette version of Cinderella.

I stair at myself in the mirror while my bridesmaids pull and fix at my dress. I don't know how it can get any better than this. Nothing bad could ever happen, I am so perfect right now. Standing here it all hits me like a bullet. I'm getting married, I'll have a partner, and it won't just be me, I will have to make sacrifices for Dwayne's happiness.

Let's do this.

"Are you ready?" I hear a voice say. I turn around and my dad is standing there, with a tearing expression on his face. I relax my shoulders, cock my head, and give him a hug. He's wearing a black tux with a little white flower in the lapel. His hair is slicked back and I can see he shaved.

"Don't cry." I say. He holds me at arms length. I watch as the bridesmaids get in line to go into the sanctuary. "I can't help it, you look beautiful."

I hear the music start playing and Kim, my maid of honor and my best friend, hands me my blue, pink, and white flower bouquet.

I can't believe it, this is really happening. I'm so exited. I have been planning and waiting for months.

My dad links his arm with mine and we start slowly walking down the isle. The song "Here Comes the Bride" playing softly by Dwayne's mom on the piano. She peeks once over her shoulder at me and gives me a thumbs up.

I look at the people in the pews as I walk by. They all look too exited for me. All smiling big teethy grins. I can't believe I'm this lucky.

I look at Dwayne with a big smile plastered across my face. He looks happy too, his smile is almost as big as mine.

When I get to the platform I stand looking at him. I feel amazing. He smiles at me and I quickly smile back.

The preacher starts the ceremony. His voice is loud and echoes nicely in this confined space.

Throughout the speeches about do's and dont's he cracks little jokes that make the congregation laugh, which just reminds me of how big a family I have and will have. It puts a smile on my face to be so loved by all these people. Even though I may not deserve it. It's reassuring to know they're there for me.

When we finish our vows I feel like a new person. I have a husband now. I have a bigger family. I'm on top of the world.

He grabs my hand and we walk down the isle. Everyone follows us and we walk outside and down a trail to a dance floor, tables, a band, and lights strung up in the tall trees. It's a beautiful sight to behold.

I gasp a little and Dwayne leads me to a table with our names on little cards. I sit down and he sits next to me. I'm at a loss for words.

Before I know it I'm bombarded by my group of squealing friends. "You did it!!!" Stella yells. She grabs my free hand and starts jumping up and down.

Dwayne looks at me, "Why don't I go get us some refreshments." I nod my head. He walks over to a table with food and drink.

I stand up and start jumping with them. "I know, I can't believe it!!" We all start squealing and laughing.

"How does it feel?" A soft voice says from behind me. I turns and see my Aunt Maggie, she is tall blonde and beautiful. Her eyes a light shade of green with yellow centering and a dark blue out line. She smiles warmly at her and extend my arms out so she can hug me. She embraces me in her sent. She always smells like apples and icing. I don't know what kind of perfume she uses but it must be good.

When she lets go I see her looking behind me so I spin around and find Dwane standing there with a cup of pink liquid. I take it from him and look in the cup.

"Its pink lemonade." He rubs the back of his neck, "Is it ok?"

I giggle at his worriedness. "It's great thanks."

I hold the cup up to my mouth. "I made it myself." He says a smile on his face.

Once I let the cold liquid run down my throat I instantly regret it. It tasted awful. But I keep a smile on my face as I chug the rest down.

I look up and see a pleased look on his face. Not like those creepy ones the joker makes but a genuinely nice smile that warms my heart.

I got to sit down and my left leg gives out and I fall. My knee hitting a painfully sharp rock. Dwane rushes over to help me but I shove him off. "I'm fine." I lie. I try and stand up but my vision gets blurry and I sit back down.

By this time family and friends have flocked to my side pulling me up. They are all saying something but I can't hear them. All their voices splur together. I blink a couple times but it only make it worse.

Things start to get black and I feel pain in my head. I try to move before I realize I'm on the ground again.

Then I let my eyes close and everything goes black.

There is a slight ringing but barely. Leaving me in silence.

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