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I could stand them piercing blades deep in my skin.

I could watch them drink blood straight from my veins.

I could hold onto the edge of sanity even when my body ached and felt like it would collapse on itself.

I could even cope with every bit of life being drained for me.

The loss of hope was what made me start to give up. I crumpled up my life into a ball of scrap and threw it away.

It was painful. I watched them drink the blood, my own blood, mixed in with tears, fear and hatred. I fell to the floor, exhausted and losing consciousness, my hands bright red and shaking in front of me. I felt myself slowly slipping into insanity, hypnotised by madness and drowning in pessimism.

I could feel my life flickering in front of me, as if my brain was turning off and on constantly and rapidly, like someone turning a light switch on and off and on and off, in a never-ending loop, driving someone crazy, driving someone to the ends of the earth.

Restraining the urge to let out a sharp cry, I sobbed, curled up and rocked myself on the cold floor, and heard a piercing scream shatter my head, my own scream, high and angry, but afraid of what was to come.

One of them hovered over my shoulder. I struggled against the chains that bit into my skin, groaning and begging for help, begging for mercy. The loud silence I received as a reply sent shivers down my spine.

A hand, cold and uninviting, gripped my neck, then slid down to my chin. It lifted my head up so that I could see one of them.

It smiled sickly at me. I choked on a tear.

"What are you?" My voice was weak and the words were barely spoken. The demand for answers appeared as a question.

"You're a smart girl," it responded. "Figure it out."

It's not real. I wished this was a dream. It's too awful to be a nightmare.

"Vampires..." I felt my eyes droop. I fought fatigue back with all the strength in me. "Aren't real."

"You're so wrong, sweetie," it snickered, before sticking it's teeth, or fangs, into my neck. I tilted my head back and screamed which only made it worse.

"So wrong."

Black took over. I fell unconscious.

Left Behind by a WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now