Finally 18.

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I can't remember the last time i was this drunk without throwing up, but whatever, this is the best night ever, i'm 18, i'm in England with my best friend, and we can do whatever we want to.

Right now i'm dancing with strangers because Emma, my best friend, found a hot British guy, and they're now eating each others faces off at our table.

Everything spins around, and i really don't know what i'm doing, i'm to drunk to function, i should probably go back to the hotel, it's like 4 am, and i almost can't stand on my legs.

   Okay, i'll go to the toilet, and then i'll get Emma and her guy. 

As i walked over to the toilet a guy suddenly grabs my arm, and presses me up against a wall.

"Hey babe, how are you" he whispers with a husky voice.

"I'm fine, now let me go, cause i have to pee, thank you" i said looking straight into his eyes.

"Stay here a bit, we can go back to my place after, it's not often i see anyone with such a small and still really good as" his eyes where filled with lust. 

I was starting to get a bit scared "listen, you need to let me go, or else i'll spit you in the face perv"

"You know what, i like you, you're sassy, and just spit on me, it'll just turn me on" he smirked on a really creepy way.

Lucky enough for me a guy was walking past us, and he noticed what was going on so i whispered 'help' hoping he would see it.

"Seriously, stop, you'll just end up getting hurt, i don't think my boyfriend would like this" 

"Your boyfr-" he was interrupted by the stranger who pushed him away "yes, her boyfriend, now stay away from my girl or you'll get seriously hurt"

The boy walked away, hopefully out of the club. - I really need to get home now.

I hugged the stranger who helped me, not bothering to look properly at him first "thank you, thank you so much" i staid with my head buried in his chest, i could feel that he now wrapped his arms around me, "you're welcome, now let's get you home"

I loosened myself from his hug, to now face my savior.

But what i didn't expect was that i would be looking straight in to the most beautiful blue eyes i've ever seen in my life, Niall Horans eyes.

I was so confused, did Niall Horan just save me? Did he just play my boyfriend? What.

"Uhm yeah, thank you again, i'll find my friend and then we'll head back to our hotel, it's not that far away" i said with a big smile, hoping that i didn't sound desperate or anything.

"You're welcome, and let me call a cab, if she's just half as drunk as you are i wont let you take the tube on your own"

"I don't think we can afford a cab, it'll only take us like 5 minuttes and then we're at our hotel"

"listen babe, i'll pay, i have to get home now anyway, and theres a cab waiting for me outside, so we'll just drive by your hotel first, so now go get your friend and i'll see you outside in 5, okay?" how the fuck could i say no to those eyes... Ugh.

"Uhm okay" i smiled unsure of what to answer.

I got Emma, told her that Niall would pay our cab back to the hotel, and that i would tell her what happened when we got back.

As we got out of the cab Niall rolled down the window "goodnight, sleep well girls" that smile, ugh.

"thank you so much again, i owe you"

"well, you could start with giving me your name and number, and then we'll figure out the rest tomorrow"

"uhm yeah sure, i'm Michaela and my number is 86914578"

"thanks babe" he winked as he rolled the window up and the cab drove away.

My head was spinning around, i was so confused and i was really drunk, and when we got to out beds we fell asleep right away,

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2013 ⏰

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