Louis Tomlinson Love Story

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Before he left, everything was perfect. He was still my cheeky, funny guy that I loved to banter with. He was still mine, but things happen and things change. This is my story. (P.S.-All of this is fictional and some facts are wrong. i.e. there is no hannah or eleanor.)


I awoke wrapped in Louis' arms and I felt the corner of my lips tug into a smile. He looked amazing, even while he was sleeping. I planted a small kiss on his lips and his eyes fluttered open. "Morning love," he said and let out a small yawn.

"Morning Lou," I told him and we both smiled at each other. Last night we celebrated Louis's exceptence into the X-Factor. Let me tell you, it was an amazing night.

We had all of our friends over and just relaxed. Louis and I ended up seperating from everyone else, and just stayed hidden behind the walls. Enjoying each other's company, knowing we wouldn't see each other for a while.

Today was the day he was leaving, and my heart panged at the thought. Climbing out of the bed, I sauntered over to my closet and pulled out some clothes before going into the bathroom and changing.

I tied my slightly damp brown hair into a ponytail and walked out of the bathroom to find Louis dressed and sitting on the bed.

He stood up and pulled me into his embrace, kissing me. "I love you Ari," he told me and I gave him an uneasy smile. "I love you too."

When he left, I felt like a part of me was gone. Yet, I lived on the hope that he would return, but he didn't. He forgot about me, and left me alone in the small town of Doncaster where we grew up together. Where our memories were.

During week 8 of the X-Factor, it finally hit me that he just didn't care anymore. Needing to get away from the memories of us together, I left Doncaster and travelled to London, where I got my big break.

I dyed my hair a fiery red color, cut it to my shoulders, and got signed to a record label. I was now known as X, the international superstar.


I was finishing up my rehearsals when Martha, my agent, called. I rummaged through my bag until I pulled out my phone and swiped my finger across the screen. "Yellow?" I answered and I heard Martha tsk.

"X, you are supposed to say Hello, not a color," she scolded me and I rolled my eyes knowing she couldn't see me. Martha is very keen on the idea of me being a sweet little angel, and tried to mold me into one.

Sadly for her, I just stayed regular old X.

"Anyways," she began, "I have big news!" she chirpped excitedly. "I got a new agent!" I said faking enthusiasm, but Martha brushed it off and continued talking. "You are going to sing on the X-Factor tomorrow!" She yelled through the phone.

My eyes widened. "Martha, I don't kn-" she cut me off mid sentence. "This is big X. You will need to pick a song for tomorrow. Since you are already in the city, all you need to do is go to Studio E tomorrow at ten," she said and hung up knowing I would try to protest.

Groaning, I stuffed my phone in my bag and waved good-bye to my vocal coach before driving back home. Great, just fan-effing-tastic.

You will never guess who is performing tomorrow? One direction.

The next day I reluctantly got up and changed into a pair of jean shorts, a black tank top with a red Jack Wills hoodie that matched my hair, and coverse. There was no need for makeup because it would be done when I got to the Studio.

I straightned my hair so it ended just past my shoulders. It reminded me of Ariana Grande's color of hair, but slightly more red and less magenta-ish.

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