•part 3•

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Rap Monster walked towards the girl and placed a hand on her shoulder.
RapMon: Hey, you alright?
The girl looked up at him. Her eyes adorned a sharp winged eye look.
Girl: Not really, to be honest
He pulled a chair and sat down by her. Her left side twitched ever so slightly which caught his attention.
RapMon: Your left side...
Girl: That's what happens when your heart beats to fast and your body decides to move along with the beat.
She placed her hand on her chest and tried to slow down her breathing. Rap Monster placed a hand on her back and started rubbing it to comfort her. He looked back at the oximeter.
RapMon: It's down to 113 bpm. Feeling better now?
Girl: Yeah, thanks.
Girl2: RUBY!
A girl with a floral dress ran up to them.
Girl2: Ruby! I think I just saw Daniel!
Girl(Ruby): Huh, where?
Girl2: Follow me!
The girl, now known as Ruby, quickly got up from her seat. She turned around to Rap Monster.
Ruby: Thanks dude!
Rap Monster smiled as she ran away with her friend.
Liz: There he is! HEY DA-
Ruby: WAIT
Ruby held her hand in front of her friend's mouth. Daniel was by himself. She slipped her phone out of her pocket and sent him a text.
Ruby: (Retaaaaard! Where are uuuuu?)
Ruby: Let's see what he replies back.
Liz and Ruby stood by a pillar, occasionally peeking over to look at him. Daniel took out his phone, typed something, and put his phone back in his pocket. That instant, Ruby's phone vibrated.
Daniel: (home. sick.)
Liz looked over Ruby's shoulder and read the text. Her eyes widened.
Ruby: Sick, huh?
She took off her bomber jacket and hung it on her arm. She stomped her way to where Daniel was.
Liz: Ruby, wait!
Ruby went behind him and threw her jacket around his shoulders, which caused him to jolt. He turned around to see Ruby standing there with a wide smile on her face.
Daniel: Ruby?
Ruby: Don't want your cold getting worse, retard. You're my singing partner after all.
Liz finally caught up, a worried look on her face.
Daniel: I was on my way ho-
Ruby: Oh sure you were. You don't seem sick to me. You've been standing here for the past five minutes.
Her breathing got harder. Daniel placed his hands on Ruby's shoulders.
Daniel: Ruby, chill. You're breathing really heavily.
Ruby: Oh, NOW you care about my health. Where were you these past six days?
Ruby's tone got louder by the second. People stopped around them to see what the commotion was about.
Liz: Ruby, please...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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