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1) Throw popcorn on the screen.

2) Blow your nose very loud.

3)  eat the popcorn of the person next to you.

4) When there is a kissing scene yell out ''kids close your eyes ,       
     inappropriate scene.

5) Run in front of the screen and introduce yourself.

6) Demand someone to put up the volume.

7) Start dancing on every song.

8) Go down the stairs and touch the screen come back yelling
     'I touched the screen, I touched the screen!'

9) Repeat every dialogue and action in the movie.

10) Yell loudly demanding to pause the movie cuz you need to go to

11) Yell out the screen 'DON'T DO IT'

12) Find the light button and on the light.

13) Throw water balloons.

14) See the movie once and then narrate what is going to happen
      next to the person next to you.

15) Sleep on the shoulder of the person next to you.

16)  Cry in the happy parts and laugh in the crying parts.


Ways To Annoy Peopleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें