Chapter 1- Tough Life

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Credit to this amaZAYN cover goes to blanchenot

Zayn's worn down shoes scraped the sidewalk as he dragged himself home from a stressful day at work. It may not seem like it, but Zayn's job is a lot of hard work. Every penny counts in his pay check to afford a meal on the table for the day. Some days he goes without Dinner, he tries not to blame Anna Lee, his boss, for it. But some days she forgets to give him his paycheck. He tells himself it's because shes a little bit on the older side, considering she's eighty.

Zayn has a love, hate relationship with his job. He loves the atmosphere of the Bakery, but hates the pay. Bringing him back to where he was now, standing in front of a raunchy apartment door. Apartment 608. The raven-haired boy opened the worn down door, no key needed, the lock was already broken and the apartment staff sure as hell weren't going to fix it.

Zayn takes his only pair of sneakers, which he's had for some years now, and sets them by the door. He doesn't worry about anyone breaking in to steal his stuff, because really who wants to break into the neighborhood labeled for having the lowest income in the city. But that doesn't matter to them, because they all help each other out. If Robert in apartment 656 can't provide a meal for his family, Zayn gives up his, because its all worth it when he sees Robert's little girl smile so wide her cheeks hurt. And if Lea upstairs needs money for the clothes that cant be worn a third time in a row, Zayn's on it.

That's how this neighborhood works, everyone looks out for everyone.

It's nine at night and Zayn thinks he could pass out on the floor from exhaustion, but the rumbling of his stomach tells him other wise. He used all his money from last weeks pay check on groceries and the water bill, so he still has some food left for the rest of the week. He heats up some macaroni in the microwave and sits on the counter, the only other form of seating besides the fold up chairs he has and the mattress on the floor.

"Hopefully tomorrow is better", Zayn speaks to himself just before he crawls on the mattress laying in the corner of the room on the floor.


Two Days of uneventful working later, Zayn wakes up on a bright and shining Saturday morning. The Spring sun shines through his windows bare of any curtains, today is Zayn's day. Every Saturday is like bliss, knowing he doesn't have to go in for work. Today is also the day he gets to shop for a couch that he's been saving for, for five weeks.

Zayn pulls out his government phone, used only for emergencies and to contact the only family he has. Well, sorta family, Niall is the closest thing he has to a brother. Niall and Zayn have been through everything together; bad boyfriends, terrible jobs, funerals, the list could go on for miles. He practically grew up with Niall.

He brings up Niall's contact and rings him.

"ZAYNIEEE, my boy, haven't talked to you since forever ago", Naill's Irish accent rings through the phone.

"That was two days ago Ni," Zayn laughs through the speaker, "but anyways I was checking to see if you wanted to do a little furniture shopping today?".

"WOULD I?",Niall joyful voice comes out the speaker.


And that's how Zayn winded up on the sidewalk of crowded city people, giving Niall a piggyback ride.

_________Give me lots of feedback and criticism .___________

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