Chapter 15- Moving In

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"Zayn", Harry moaned my name as the water fell down his back, making him look so heavenly, but so sexy at the same time. The water from the shower steamed up the bathroom long ago when we were actually showering, but now I was on my knees with Harry's cock in my mouth as he moaned my name. The view from down here was perfect, Harry's bright green eyes looking down at me as I deep-throated the fuck out of him. Every inch of Harry was perfect, the way his hair fell in his eyes and the way his mouth fell open in a silent moan. Harry looked down at me,"Za- Zaynie, I'm so horny". I went faster,on him as he screamed"Zaynie, I'm so-so hungry".

I woke up with a wet spot on the front of my pants,"Zaynie, I'm sooo hungry!", Harry shook me awake. Not only was I thoroughly embarrassed about my wet dream, but I came from a wet dream! Harry stayed over last night after the funeral, giving me emotional support and thinking today he'll help me move in to my new house. "Zaynie, your willy was hard, so I rubbed it like you taught me too, but you made a mess on your pants. I'm sorry.", Harry looked down with a pout.

"It's okay baby, thanks for helping me out, your the best boyfriend ever", he loves when I praise him and call him the best boyfriend ever.

I pulled Harry down a little bit and kissed his plump pink lips, loving the taste of his new chapstick flavor, green apple, and his lips. Our lips molded together perfectly, like two puzzle pieces made just for each other, perfect. I made Harry's top lip attention as i kissed, sucked, and nibbled on it. Then, I moved to his plump bottom lip and sucked it into my mouth; I kissed my Angel's lips one more time then moved onto his neck. I sucked and nibbled on a spot bellow his collarbone, loving the feel of his milky skin in my mouth. I bit down on his skin one more time before kissing it gently then leaving a trail of kisses up his face until I get to his nose making him giggle. "I love you Angel", I told Harry as I sat up.

"I Love you Zaynie", Harry sat up,",but I'm still so hungry", he whined playfully.

"How about, since today is a special day, we go out and get breakfast?", I tickled his sides.

"Yayyy, can we go to the bakery?", Harry asked as he started getting dressed for the day.

"Mmhm", I went to the bathroom to clean myself up and get dressed for the day. I only put on sweat pants and a t-shirt and hoodie, since i'm going to be moving in to Anna Lee's house or now my house.

Once I exited the bathroom I put on my flower crown and saw Harry was finished getting dressed as well. "You ready to go baby?", I asked as I grabbed my wallet and phone, then taking Harry's hand in mine.

"Yesss, my tummy is growling", Harry made cute growling noises.


Once me and Harry made it to the bakery, which took longer than usual since when we were walking Harry stopped to pick up flowers and put them in his and my hair,I opened the door for Harry.

"Good morning boss, woah nice hair", Lucy, an employee, giggled. It still felt so weird to hear people call me boss, my new position on the job is a little hard to get used to. I can work at home, so that's good, and the pay is even better.

"Thanks, Lucy, what do you want baby?", I questioned Harry as he looked at the menu.

"I want apple pie and orange juice", Harry smiled.

"Same for me", me and Harry went and sat down at our usual spot that's now reserved for us.

As I looked at Harry from across the table, I couldn't help but notice how beautiful he looked today. With different color flowers in his hair and his sparkling innocent green eyes, the light from the window shined on him perfectly, he was wearing a pink shirt with white polka dots, with three buttons undone. "You are so beautiful Angel", I told Harry making him blush deeply.

"Thanks Zaynie, I have a question", he looked down shyly.

"Go on", I held his hand across the table, rubbing the his cross tattoo with my thumb.

The waiter came and started setting our food down as Harry asked, "Can we play with our Willies today?", Harry asked wide eyed, making me choke and the waiter choke and a father sitting with his son laugh.

Oh God he will be the death of me, as the waiter left I started to speak," Harry baby, you can't say things like that in public, when we 'play with our w-willies' that stays private, it's like a secret, okay baby?", I asked softly.

"Yeah sorry Zaynie", I leaned over ad kissed him softly.

"It's okay baby, tell me about work", I said as I started to dig in.

"I love it, Yesterday me and the kids colored Finding Nemo pictures, I put mine on the fridge. Then we played Duck-Duck-Goose and ate snacks", he giggled. "Zaynie, when are going to move in together like Louis and Liam?", Harry asked as he ate his pie.

"Well, do you want to move in baby?", I questioned just as nervous as him.

"Well, yes I want to be closer to my prince, I love you so much already and I want to be by you all the time.", Harry said so sweetly.

"Well then, I guess we're moving in together", I exclaimed smiling widely as I kissed him, tasting the apple pie on his lips.


Harry, Niall, and Josh were helping me moving in my couch and bed and also Harry's things. It was more like just me and Niall who were working, meanwhile Harry and Josh talking and giggling as they sat on the ground. It took a lot of persuading and crying to let Anne let her 'Little baby' move in with me, Harry promising to always call and visit.

"Ugh, they're so lucky their cute", Niall exclaimed lifting the other side of the sofa and helping me move it to the living room.

"You have no idea", I laughed as we set it down.

That was the last piece of furniture, we didn't have to move too much since some of the place was furnished. "Thanks man", I hugged Niall before he left with Josh. "Thanks Josh,it was fun having you over", I told Josh as he got up.

"You welcome", he whispered.

"Bye Jo-Jo, I had fun playing" Harry hugged Josh, making me and Niall tense, since Josh doesn't do well with touching people, but to me and Niall's surprise, Josh hugged back.

"Bye Harryberry", Josh exclaimed as me and Niall watched their interaction.

"Wow, their cute", Niall whispered next to me as I nodded my head.

Once Niall and Josh left, me and Harry ordered Pizza and cuddled up on bed while eating and talking about anything and everything.

"Josh painted my nail for me, look", Harry shoved his hands in my face, which were painted a lovely shade of sparkly blue.

"Wow, their so pretty, almost as pretty as you, I kissed his cheek", I was so happy today I couldn't believe I had my own house. I started off as an orphan who struggled to find an apartment and now I have my own house and business!

"Zaynie can we play with our willies now, i'm horny"

I'm Going to hell for that ending, lmao

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