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Jason's POV

I was at my place with my brother Alex.

We weren't doing anything but playing the playstati-

Oh I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself

I'm Jason Macann, I'm 20 years old, single, and very gay

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I'm Jason Macann, I'm 20 years old, single, and very gay.
So as I was saying
Me and my brother are playing the PlayStation and I started to get bored and said .

"Hey yo Alex let's go to a club. I'm bored and I want to get laid."

My brother looked at me like I was crazy.

He stopped looking at me like that and said.

"Yea, and I need to get dick or vagina. So let's go"

Alex got up and went to his room.
Yea my brother it bi.

I got up and went to my room and got dressed.

I got up and went to my room and got dressed

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(His outfit)

After I was done getting ready and waiting for Alex.
We went to my car and headed to me and Alex's favorite club

Yea I know weird name, but it is a good place to get some.


Hey guys Hope you liking this so far

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