Nando's Brawl

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A/N : please read the message at the bottom afterwards, it's quite important<3

Harry's P.O.V

"Do you think this dress suits me?" The words came from Taylor's lips for what felt like the millionth time that day.

Don't you just love clothes shopping with girls?

"Yes, your arse looks great," I sniggered as she playfully swatted my arm.

"Really though, if I was wearing this the first time you ever saw me, would you think - 'she looks stunning,' or would your first thoughts really just be about my ass?" She sighed, posing into the mirror. I grinned once more.

"You look great," I rolled my eyes, "but now come on, we haven't got all day and these dresses must cost at least nine hundred pounds in total, adding onto the two hundred quid that we blew in Max-"

"Mac," she corrected me.

"Yeah, that's the one, and also that shoe shop that you like-"

"Charles and Keith."

"Yes. Now go!" I slapped her ass making her jump.

She kissed my cheek before hurrying back into the changing rooms.


"Is lunch an option now?" I scooped up all seven of the clothes, shoes and makeup bags as Taylor held the door open behind her for me.

"Well," she pretended to think, "you have been a very good slave, so yes, it is an option."

I sighed in relief, as she glared at a selection of jewelry in a brightly lit window display.

"Are you wearing your necklace?" I shuffled closer beside her as she tore her gaze from the shiny items.

"Yes of course I am."

"Good," I smiled, "now let's go to Nando's so I can supply, and treat you to some good quality food," she stuck her tongue out at me before turning around a leaving me behind.

I snarled before dragging the bags behind her, just as she was doing to me.


Taylor's P.O.V

"Holy shit," I almost dropped my chicken wrap as my eyes converted to the couple making out on the counter.

"What?" A lettuce leaf dropped from Harry's mouth as he cluelessly glanced up from his salad.

"Oh," I almost leapt from my seat, "nothing, I just almost dropped my chicken haha," I laughed after successfully diverting Harry's thoughts from my sudden outburst.

It wasn't like his ex girlfriend, who he'd cheated on me with, was sat a few metres behind him with a brand new man hanging off her lips.

"Taylor," he raised his eyebrows, there was no way that he was believing me this time. I rolled my eyes and motioned towards the argument-in-waiting sat behind him. I winced, ready to feel the wrath of a jealous bad boy - my eyes were squeezed shut and my muscles were tensed up although I knew if it was that bad, I wouldn't hear him shout; I'd hear the opposing guys yelp as Harry jumped him.

Silence filled my eyes and peeped my eyes open a slight bit.

"Taylor," he laughed, "I honestly don't care. She's my ex, I've moved on, and now she has too. Although my next partner is so much better, obviously," he was now laughing at me, as I sat open mouthed.

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