Part 2

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Author's note: I'm just going to start putting out what I have and adding to it as I go.

(Song plays: My Own Worst Enemy by Lit)

(Big shot of the entrance of a school. Pan up to own o a full hallway to Mark at his locker putting things away. he closes the door to reveal his friend Ryan behind it.)

Ryan: Hey man, don't study too hard! (laughs)

Mark: (puts his hand on his head) Keep it down man, you got that aspirin?

Ryan: yeah (reaches in a pocket and gives it to him) Your parents coming home this weekend?

(Both start walking down the hallway)

Mark: Nah, they're actually gonna be another week.

Ryan: Sweet! Friday night! (they high five)

Mark: Hell yeah. Just let me chill today, this headache is killer.

Ryan: Okaaaayy, but Matt and I are gonna go out on the town after school.

Mark: I'll let you know.

(They walk by Jack and the focus pans to him at his locker with his friend Steve.)

Steve: One more week. Can't wait to get out of here.

Jack: Yeah, then free from this hell hole to do what? Like- (he turns to Steve) four years in America and I've done nothin' but go to school. I feel like I would have done the same in Ireland. (Pause) Steve, we need to do something big for graduation, so that everyone remembers us. So that these four years weren't just a blur.

Steve: (His eyes wander the hallway as he tries to think of something. He looks back at Jack.) We're not gonna TP the entire gym, are we?

Jack: (groans in annoyance) Dammit Steve.

(The bell rings, signifying that they both need to get to class.)

Jack: We'll talk more on it at work, yeah.

Untitled Jack and Mark ScriptWhere stories live. Discover now