Same Plot, Different STYLES

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  Helloooo. . .This is my entry for Chingyonce's one-shot contest. Sorry if for my grammar and confusing plot.Credits to kinglylouis for major editing bc i suck in grammar XD


 The sound of gun shots brought me back to my senses. I slowly got up from my recent position before a gush of pain welcomed me. 

"Fuck... Dove sono? (Fuck... Where am I?)" I muttered under my breath.

 My eyes were blurry and my head was pounding. Small trees surrounded me with only the moonlight as my source of light.I was massaging my head to lessen the pain until someone called my name. The volume of their voice increased as the person came closer. 

 "Harry! Help! WHERE ARE YOU?!" her voice wasn't near to anyone that I know of but she obviously knows me.

 "Sono qui! I'm here!" I shouted at her to let her know where I am. Her steps begun to come closer together with the cracking of the twigs.

 "Harry... God... I thought I'd lost you..." she hugged me tightly around my waist. Her eyes were closed and some tears fell in her cheeks. 

 "Uhhh... It's okay, bambina. I'm here now." I awkwardly comforted her and slowly hugged her back.I looked at her bewildered from everything that is happening right now. An unknown girl was hugging me and she somehow knows me

. She has messy black hair that was now flattened at the top of her head because of the sweat that continued to trickle down her forehead. She looked like a mess obviously running around looking for me. 

 She looked up at me with her eyebrow raised. "I didn't know you can speak another language?" She asked in amusement. 

 Before I could answer her, someone cleared their throat, catching our attention. 

 "I didn't know you replaced me with an imposter like him, Marie..." 

 Marie gasped at us before she stuttered, not forming a single word.Another assassin was standing in front of us which caught me off guard (if that was possible).

 We almost looked alike although his features showed hatred ad jealousy."Wait I- "I hadn't finished my sentence before Marie's body fell into my arms. 

 - / - 

 A wave of pain came to my head making me dizzy again. I think it's a side effect from those time lapses that Liza told us, because once I opened my eyes, we were back into Marie's house after the incident.The other Harry and I waited for Marie to wake up after she fainted a while ago. 

 As an assassin we should always be calm no matter what, but as I can see the other Harry obviously didn't handle it very calmly. He paced back and forth, not knowing what to do.

 "You know you can sit down, right?" 

 The other Harry stared at me for a while before he sighed deeply and sat down.

 "I know who you are, assassin. You're one of those guys who jumps from one story to another..." he looked at me intently after informing me what he knows.

 "I don't know why I'm here... I thought I was back in my story but I obviously am not." I told him the first thing that popped into my mind.

 His eyes stared at me intently, as if he was looking in my soul. "If you happen to sabotage my story... I swear I'll destroy yours too and that Lizzy girl too." he threatened. 

 I was about to correct him for his mistake but suddenly, Marie's body shot up before she spoke. "Fuck... there is another fucking Harry!"

 Her back was still facing us making both of us looked at each other with an alarmed look in our faces. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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