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It was a dark, stormy, July night. The streets of Japan were bustling, as usual, but something was off. Everything was... muted, somehow. Like the people could sense that something was about to happen. Something huge.

Moving through the darkness was a man. Or, at least, what used to be a man. His skin was extremely pale, and his nose was nothing but two slits. He moved with the likeliness of a snake,  muttering to himself as he went. He had a dark, sinister air to him, like he was the embodiment of all evil... Which, to be frank, he was.

Finally, after a long while of walking, the strange creature halted in front of a large building: the hospital. Inside, a force was compelling the creature to enter: the strongest bloodlust he had ever felt.

"Now, why would I hide the last one here?" The creature muttered to himself, slinking through the shadows. "It's not as if I have a past here, and Japan isn't at all close to London..." After a few moments, the creature began to laugh. "Which is perfect! No one would think to look here!"

The strange being pulled a long, slender stick from the inside of his sleeve: a wand. He muttered a low incantation, then floated upwards, where he felt the bloodlust the strongest. Surely, he thought, if this man or woman had such strong bloodlust, he could trust his last... prized possession... with them.

The pale creature finally entered a window on the third floor, confused to find himself in the room of a new mother sleeping peacefully, a baby in her arms. There must have been some mistake. Where in this room could there be someone-

The being froze as a sense of darkness and fear washed over him. This wasn't natural. He was all-powerful. He turned to the bed of the sleeping woman to find the baby awake. It wasn't crying. Rather, the look in its azure eyes was... sinister.

"Well, well, this is quite a surprise..." The creature muttered, drawing closer. Instantly, he felt a horrifying presence: two snakes circling around him, squeezing him, suffocating him... As the feeling ceased, the evil being gasped for air. Yes, this was the strongest bloodlust he had ever faced...

The man closed his eyes and muttered an incantation, and the spirits of the child's bloodlust came forth. Indeed, there were two snakes, one brown and mottled, and one was yellow with green splotches. The man spoke to the snakes with eagerness.

"Greetings," he hissed, in a language that only the snakes could understand. "I have been drawn here by a powerful bloodlust, the most powerful that I've ever faced. And I would assume that you two are the spirits of this power?"

"Yes," the brown snake agreed, looking pleased to be recognized. "I am Nogami, the bloodlust that is hidden, that waits for the right moment to strike."

"I am Nagini, the bold, the powerful," the yellow snake hissed. "I show my bloodlust in its true form: bloodrage. I am a warrior, I am proud of it, and I enjoy it."

The evil man grinned. Yes, yes, this bloodlust was just what he needed. "I'll make you two a deal," he hissed. "A little, innocent, Japanese boy such as this does not need bloodlust. Come with me. Join me in this quest for power!"

"Gladly," Nagini hissed, sliding away from the baby and towards the evil man. "Now, come with us, Nogami."

"No," Nogami hissed, slithering around the boy. "The bloodlust I have could be beneficial to this little guy's lifestyle. For not all bloodlust needs to be used in war. Sometimes it can be best used as self defense."

"Oh, don't give me that!" Nagini hissed, almost laughing. "Your bloodlust is more fitting for an assassination! You should just come along with me and this evil fella here."

"No, no, this is interesting..." the evil fella himself coaxed her. "I'm actually quite curious to see how Nogami's theory turns out. After all... assassinations aren't my type. The kid can keep him." He glanced over at the baby, whose azure eyes still gleamed in the dark. "I want to be sure that our paths cross again, because I'm curious about these results. So I'll transfer some of my magic to you... and you should get a letter from that place once you hit eleven." The evil man put his wand to the boy's hair, making it shimmer. The child fell asleep.

With that, the man left, taking Nagini but leaving Nogami behind. The remaining snake, with his good, protective bloodlust, slid back inside the sleeping boy. A boy with azure eyes, blue hair, and a birthday of July 20th, destined to meet up with a dark wizard...

Nagisa Shiota.

~Sooooo? Is this crazy, weird idea good? Or is it still just weird? Also, I've been pondering this: I know that I need Karma in here. The question is, should I make him a Weasley? Should I? Should I? Oh my gosh that would be hilarious but should I?

Also, funny thing that happened while I was writing this:


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Anyway, (still trying to stop laughing) I hope you enjoyed! Bye!

Nagisa Shiota: Wizard and AssassinWhere stories live. Discover now