Chapter Two

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*Sarah's point of view*

After I was done packing I start walking out of the room heading towards the strange tank.

Raising an eyebrow I notice the bodies inside they we're very pale blue and white stripes on their body they we're very beautiful. They looked very tall! I very excited for the new bodies let's see what awaits.

This strange women walks up to me taping my shoulder it's time miss go Kay down onto the mat. After she tells me I nod walking over to the mat.

I laid down onto the mat she hooks up wires onto my head and body. She tells me to relax and let my mind go blank I nod closing my eyes and take a deep breath.

I start to see colors and open my eyes I notice a weird presence and look over seeing a man is white with the mask I seen before. The mask for outside hm strange.

I look down noticing pale blue skin and white stripes and flip a little. I was being held down I start yelling. Let me go right now what happened?

They started explaining everything that I was told before nodding. I start sitting up as they let me up moving my hands and feet standing up they start handing me a tribe outfit of some sorts.

What is this for? oh right for that tribe well finally I can meet the new body is a little strange I keep bumping my head. But before I have to head out I have to test my ability for my body I have to train by running and bows kind of strange.

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