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"So you know how I seem all calm and like a safe person?"


"Well I wasn't at one point"

"Woah! Luke, not safe and calm?"


"How? Tell me a story"

"I have multiple"

"I don't care which one, just tell me"

"Ok, so when I was younger I had some bad friends. I eventually matured and grew up, but up until I was 11 or 12 I had those friends. I cant remember if they were all the same friends. I don't even remember their names-"

"Get on with it"

"Fine. Fine. Fine"

"So our first story: It was four of us. We were at, lets say Daniels house. We were out at his barn and he had a 'great' idea. He sprayed himself with axe and turned to us and said, 'See those Roman Candles? [Fireworks if you don't know] I want you three to light them and spray them at me.' So being the stupid people we were, we did it. He thankfully didn't get hurt, but we had to explain to his parents at 2 in the morning, we didn't think they'd be up, why we were at his barn and why his shirt was off"


"Yeah, but the stupid doesn't end there. This one doesn't involve friends. It involves my brother. I was 8 at the time and we were at a hotel with my mom. My mom was out so my brother and I went to the store and decided, 'Hey! Lets buy Ghost Peppers and eat them!' So we go get them and on the package is a warning label. It starts listing the symptoms, Death, Heart Attack, Stroke, and all these other ailments. We get to the cashier and he even warns us. We tell him we know and we leave. "


"Shhh, just let me continue. Anyways, we get back to our room and start putting pieces in small dishes. It was nothing. We weren't stupid enough to eat them plain. Then it kicked in. My chest was on fire. I couldn't breathe. Heat was all through my insides. And guess what. We didn't think to grab milk or ice cream either. The only thing we had was my mom's mac and cheese. I scarfed that down like Barry Allen in an eating competition. I had no idea how my brother responded. All I know is that I nearly died."

"LUKE! I would slap you into tomorrow if we weren't on the phone!"

"Haha. One last story before you kill me, ok?"


"It was the Halloween of 2001"


"Just joking. It was Halloween about 10 years ago or so. I was 10 or 11 at the time. There were 6 of us. I'm gonna give them made up names cause they all need them for this story. Lets call them Matt, Cory, Joe, Dylan, and Ben. Its Halloween and we're all at Cory's house. He was invited to a party by some girl so we decided to go Trick-Or-Treating before. So we head out on out skateboards and poor Cory. He didn't even know his own neighborhood. We were lost in no time. Everyone else decides to follow Cory up a hill to try and find the house that the party was at. I probably knew the neighborhood better than Cory so I decided to stay put and try a different route. So we all were split up besides Cory and Ben. Eventually I found Joe, and Dylan and Matt found each other. Joe and I finally find the house that the party was at to find Dylan and Matt inside having a good time. 'Should we call Cory and Ben?' someone suggested. They said no, so we didn't. A few hours later we leave and try to make our way back. Well the four of us noticed that a black van was following us"


"Hush woman, let me continue"


"So, we run full blast across neighborhoods, through yards, over fences, and every time we came to the road, there was the van. We thought it was a prank. Heck, we even walked past it a few times like we get it, its a prank. After two hours we started to get a little worried. We started looking around for weapons just in case. I had a fake pistol. Joe had an axe. Dylan had a machete. Matt had silly string. You'll find out the importance of that last one later. Anyways, so we came up with the idea to come up to the van and for me to pretend to pull out my pistol, cause it looked real. I pull it out and the van zooms and takes off in the other direction. After that, we were trying to make our way back home. Long story short we finally met back up with Cory and Ben. We talked and found out that we had both been chased by the same group of 'thugs' at two different points in time. They were mad about the fact that we went to the party. They apparently had also been chased by that van. And guess what? Our story doesn't end there. Soon before going back, we decided to go to one last house who decided to be open almost all night. So Matt decided to go up to the house. That night he was spiderman, explaining the silly-string. He goes up, 'Trick-Or-Treat, I'm Spiderman!' And next thing you know. He empties the entire can of silly string over that man. And takes off. We follow, but we could not believe he did that. We were mad."

"We eventually made it back to Cory's house. His parents didn't care. So yeah..."

"Luke... I. I'm at a loss of words but I'm so glad you don't do that anymore"

"Haha yeah. I'm glad too, but hey, I got a lot of cool stories"


Bonus chapter!

So these stories are true. (Well mostly, I changed a few minor details to fit this story.) Not done by me, but by a 16 year old. We were on a reunion trip to the mission trip we took back on spring break. There were 9 of us and in the back of the bus was a kid who has so many stories about how many times he'd escaped death.

So yeah, enjoy these stories.

Stay Alive |-/


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