chapter 2

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A honk blares in the parking lot and its over. Oliver's recurring dream, its over....for now...

He scoots and leans his seat back up, wiping the sweat off of his face and checking it in the mirror, he sighs in relief. thank god nobody can tell... He glances up and notices all the cars are gone. "Shit!" he suddenly remembers the girl...the one he cant stop thinking about...he pinches himself and starts the engine of his 2016 charger. The purring helps calm his nerves, a little.

He pulls out of the parking lot..hoping that he remembered right that she turns left. he clutches his steering wheel as he goes down the long road, full of suburbs .

He goes up and down each road of almost the exact houses, he growled at himself for sleeping while he could of been waiting...he needed to talk to her. he was mad because he had no idea why, but he couldn't resist.

Dammit! ive missed her....  his hopes deplete and he stops at a dead end . He sighs and pulls out his apple 6+ and doesn't read the messages from his girlfriend, Mary. instead he asks her what she is doing tonight. Might as well...

*TAP TAP TAP* His music was up loud..he leaned his head against the wheel of the care as fetty wa-*TAAAAP* "Hey idioot open up!" a muffled voice yelled" 

Oliver turned his head, scared until he sees a face of...HOLY SHIT! its her..her big round eyes...her black hair swaying in the wi- "HEY !!" He came back down to earth.

He threw up a wide, player grin and slowly unrolled his window watching her cute eyes squint with annoyance..annoyance...that would be put on his list of things women have never done...

"move." was all she said before taking a few steps back.

he saw them. Her black leggings were tore on her knees, exposing tore up skin and blood soaked her all down to her knees, she caught him staring and turned away.

He hopped out of his car and went up to her, before grabbing her elbow and turning her around he stops. wtf are you doing ..gah im an idot >..< she is not a toy oliver...get yourself together.. he puts his arm down and she notices, looking at him softer.

"Please...let me take you to a're going to loose you're legs from infection.." with that statement her soft eyes turned hard...but there seemed to be a bit of weariness in them...he saw for what he thought was tears welling up but quickly disappeared...he wandered why on earth a chick would...shes not a chick! 

" skateboard is under your car." she looked away...she looked ..disappointed...almost embarrassed..but he hadn't made a move on her..yet. 

"hey, just..come ill pay, i dont want you in pain." his voice sounded inhumane in his ears...they spoke with a kindness hed never heard..not the kind his friends used to get a girl into bed, a kind tha-

"fine!" she simply said before hopping in the passengers seat.

He got on the hot pa vement and grabbed the scateboard handing to her as he buckles up.

" owe me food." she glanced at him

He couldnt help but grin as he started the engine" you know..i never thought of YOU being the kind to ask a guy..not just a guy but..a highly popular guy out on not any date, the first! 

Her face became fired up, he wondered for a small second if he were to touch her soft cheeks, if he would melt..

"That is not what i meant now, drive!" she crossed her arm facing forward.

"buckle up." he chuckled.

"its my life if i die who cares " she glared out the window.

"My car honey, my rules." with that she buckles up and they pulled onto the highway.






chapter 2

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