High School Undead

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Just a normal day in Chemistry class for Marcy and her best friend Adeline. The teacher rambles on about something but Marcy isn't paying attention like always. Her teacher has enough and sends her on her way to the principles office. But before she leaves an announcement comes on the speaker: "Attention all staff and students. We have an emergency situation. Get to a classroom and lock the doors. There's-" sounds of struggle are heard over the speaker. Marcy and her classmates listen in horror to the screams of the announcer. This is the day the whole world changed. The day that a deadly virus took over the world. The day the dead started walking and feeding on flesh. Marcy and Adeline do their best to survive this world along with the group they formed along the way. Within the group are five boys that the two girls become very close to. Friendships will be formed and lives will be lost. Join Marcy and her group on the journey to survive to see what happens.

Hello! I know this is a different kind of story I usually do but I like zombie things so yeahz. But I bet you can guess who those five boys are ;)

Hope you enjoy!


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