As I set up my stuff Katelyn was just staring at me, I was feeling nervous so I finished up quickly,but of course I didn't know who's sleeping bag was whose so when I asked who was next to me it was Katelyn. I mean I love my fans a pnd all but she kinda scared me. "Ok everyone sit in a circle", Aph said. We all sat down and Katelyn of course sat next to me. "What are we doing?" I asked. She gigged. Oh please tell me we aren't playing that.
"We're playing...TRUTH OR DARE!" Oh irene... she grabbed a bottle and spun it and it landed on Katelyn. "Ok Katelyn, Truth or Dare?" Aph asked.... "uhh....DARE!" "Ok, I dare you to kiss ___, On. The. Lips." Katelyn looked happy. WHY!?! "ok." She then came in front of me and pushed me to the ground and kissed me ON THE LIPS! She wouldn't stop. I looked at Aph and she was shocked. I couldn't move at all. After like 5 minutes of her kissing me, I quickly got up and scooted closer to aph, but Katelyn pulled me next to her and put her arm around me. My irene she has a strong grip and whenever I tried to pull away she would give me a death glare so I didn't move. Then aph spun the bottle again and it pointed to me. "Truth or Dare?" Aph asked. "Dare" "Ok, I dare you to call all of these numbers and tell them to come over and sleepover." I called them all and I noticed it was the guys and one number was actually Aaron's. After 1 second the door came flying open and all the guys came in. Aaron sat next to me, but Katelyn glared at him but be didn't care. I finally got out of Katelyn's grip and scooted next to Aaron. I wispered in Aaron's ear, "please sleep next to me I'm scared of Katelyn" "ok" he said. He "yawned" and put his arm around me. I was blushing alot, I notice the others giving him death glares and mouthing"Let. Her. Go" but he shook his heae. Aph spun the bottle and it landed on garroth. "Truth or Dare?", she asked. "Truth" "Ok do you like ___?" Garroth then stuttered "Ye-ye-yes" he then was blushing. I got up and hugged him "it's ok to be nervous and blushing", I whispered. He smiled and hugged me back.
-Time skip brought to you by the stuttering king-
After playing truth or dare we watched some anime like attack on titians, black butler and fairy tale. Katelyn sat next to me and I got nervous, but luckliy Aaron sat next to me. In the middle of episode 6 of black butler, I fell asleep and fell on Katelyn.3rd person P.O.V
Katelyn smirked and when no one was looking she ran upstairs to here room carrying ___ and locked the door. She then put her on the bed and kissed her. ___ felt something on her lips and woke up. When she saw Katelyn she jumped up and ran to the door. She tried to unlock it but she was to slow and Katelyn grabbed her. "If you kiss back I'll let you leave only of you promise to say nothing. ___ shook her head yes. She was scared.
The Katelyn kissed ___ and she had to kiss back. Katelyn smiled in the kiss and pulled ___ in more. ___ tried to pull back but whenever she did Katelyn would move her hands lower near her butt (I was laughing when wrote butt, I don't know why). When ____ tried to pull back one more time Katelyn put her hand on her bottom and ___ flinched. Katelyn then lifted her up hands still where they were and pushed ___ against the wall. When she stopped and put ____back down. She looked at __ and said "Don't tell anyone or else". ___ said yes and unlocked the and ran down stairs.Your P.o.v
I don't know what to say about what just happened. I ran downstairs a fast as I can and sat next to Aaron. He but his arm around me. All the boys just glared at him. I feel asleep.
-time le skip after an hour-
I felt being carried so I looked up and saw Aaron carrying me to my (favorite color) sleeping bag. I just snuggled my head into his chest. I felt safe in his arms. I know I shouldn't but I can't help myself from falling for him. (Anyone get that reference?) He put me down and he laid down next to me and wrapped my arms around me. I finally really fell asleep about 3 minutes later.So how did you like this chapter, sorry for the "scene" with Katelyn, but let's just say Katelyn is very obsessive over you but not yandere obsessive. Well, bye you amazing awesome people. Peace ✌