Flames Within

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     I sat back in my seat and drummed my fingers against the desk in front of me, bored out of my mind.  "Come on Jordan, the public schools aren't so bad here!  Plus there aren't any good  private schools here for miles!" my dad begged me earlier that week, as we had just finnished moving into the new house.  We had moved to get closer to the dock with our yaht.  And now here  i am, in math basic, first day of school. Well first day of school for me anyway.  For the rest of the kids, second week in the second quarter.  fun. To make things even more interesting, i have the worst class!  Full of these stuck up girls, and boys who can think too much of themselves.

     "Oh, look here Benny!  we have ourselves a new girl!  hey New Girl!  whats your name New Girl?" the boy whose name I thought to be Jared taunted.  I just rolled my eyes when the one called Benny started up too.  "Come on New Girl!  tell us your name New Girl!"  they persisted.  I took  deep breath, and tried to control my annoyment.  Just ignore them, Jordan.  Just ignore them.  my mind tried to tell me through all the yelling of the other boys who had decided to join up.  "New Girl!  Tell us your name!" Jared demanded grabbing my arm.  How was the teacher not seeing this?  Oh, wait, the teacher was stupid enough to leave the room with these idiots. I just looked at them.  "Really?" i asked.  "Is this really necessary?" I asked motioning to my imprisoned arm with my free one.  

"Tell us your name."

"You heard my name."

"I want you to say it."


"Because its a stupid boy name, and I want you to confirm it's your real name."

"My name is Jordan, and you can let go of me now." I sighed, hoping that he would let me be.

"OOHHHH!  Jordan, it is a boy underneath!" the boys yelled.  I took his arm, and twisted it behind his back, standing up now.  I pushed it forward,to make him wince in pain.  I knew someone like him wouldn't give pride in being defeted to a girl.  Oh, sorry to him I'm a boy.

"What is wrong with you?" Benny cut in, saving Jared.  

"You want to come at me?" Jared banged his chest, looking menancly (and painfully) at me.

"Come on guys, give her a break." One of their girly friends chimed in.  I think her name is Michelle.

"Mitchey, are you telling me that this looks like its a girl?" he asked directing to me with his hands.  I just rolled my eyes, and attempted to do the math problem again, sitting down once more.  

"Just look at what it wears!  Its not normal for a girl to wear all black!  Its a boy."

"Um, I can hear you, you know." I informed Jared who was not paying attention at all.  Whatever.  At least Michelle was nice, so far.  Thats a good sign.  A teacher walked in, right before the boys had a chance to hop back in their seats.

"Hm..." she began looking at them, pretending to think.

"Detention, detention, detention." she stated, pointing from the door.  They just sighed and rolled their eyes, loudly whispering  to each other.  The class seemed to go on forever.  Finally, the bell rang, and i grabbed my books and made my way out of the torure.  One of the quieter boys made their way up to me.  

"My name's Caleb.  I figured you might need a friend." he practically whispered.  It was a bit funny because I'm not that tall, its just that he was pretty short.  

"Bye Caleb." I rudly walked away, not wanting to make any new friends at this school.  

I did my homework, and wrote another chapter to my lame book that we had to write for english.  It was around 12:00 when i got really bored and logged onto Skype to see if my cousin or my friend from Germany was on.  I looked through my contacts to see the blinking green light to show that she was on, my German friend that is.

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