Chapter Two

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                 Chapter two

     The sun is too bright on my eyelids but I'm glad to be awake. That dream was just too much, maybe I saw him as Jamie because I had just met him last night, but there voices are just the same. A coincidence probably. I shake the dream out of my head and peak myself off of the leather sofa. I make my way to the kitchen and start a pot of coffee. I get my books from my room and begin to study. I can't believe its been five years since I started college at the university of Florida. My dreams of being a psychologist are coming true. My dad would be so proud, if he were still here. It doesn't feel like he's been gone for ten years, mom was so lost without him until she met Robert when I was seventeen. He's a good man and takes care of her, he's also helped pay my college tuition.

"Morning Lill." I looked behind me to see Renee stretching, her face still puffy from sleep.

"Morning, coffee should be done." Renee yawned and made her way to the kitchen.

Around noon I decided I had done enough studying for the day. Renee has left to go shopping so I pull out my phone and search online about angels. The dream felt so real, but an Angel of death? I've heard of the Reaper but this man in my dream, he was nothing like what people make the reaper out to be. He wasn't a dark figure and he didn't have a sword. When I typed in "Angel of death" there are so many different opinions, most are dark and evil. This is crazy, its just a stupid dream! Why am I wrapped up in it?  I hit the home button on my phone and laid it on the coffee table. I was on my way to take a shower when someone knocked on the door. I peaked through the peep hole, smiled and opened the door.

"Ryan!" I couldn't help but squeal. Ryan is one of mine and Renee's good friends. He towers over me and his hair is long sandy blonde mess. His face is warm and sweet, he always has a welcoming smile.

"Hey Lill, you sound excited to see me." He laughed at my greeting and wrapped me in a huge hug. "I would've called before dropping in like this but I lost my phone."

I laughed and turned toward the couch Ryan followed in behind me and made himself comfortable.

"Want anything to drink?" I asked.

"Sure, you have any mountain dew?"

"I think we have a couple in the fridge. Be right back." I walked into the kitchen and searched the fridge. One more mountain dew and one sprite, works for me. I grab the sodas and hurry back to Ryan. He looks so happy like he's just won the lottery, I can't help but wonder what's got him so smitten.

"What's got you in all smiles?" I asked.

"I met a girl, Lilly she is gorgeous." His smile grew, I could tell he really likes her.

"What's she like?" Ryan has a type he like his girls tan, short and fit, and they have to have dark brown hair.

"Shes a photographer, she's sweet and funny. She's from India, she moved here when she was a young child. You and Renee have to meet her." I've never seen Ryan so excited about anyone.

"Well next Saturday I'm free and I was hoping to celebrate after finals. We can all go out and have a couple drinks." I was going to ask him to go out with Renee and I anyways, and this seemed like a good time.

"Awesome! I'm getting a new phone after I leave, I'll text you and let you know when I get it. You can let me know where we will be going and what time." He hopped up off of the couch and pulled me into a huge bear hug. "Tell Renee I said hey."

I smiled and said, "Okay will do. Don't forget to text me."

           We said out goodbyes and I headed for the bathroom. I threw my pajamas onto the floor next to the sink and started the shower. The warm water felt good on my skin it was soothing. While washing my hair I remembered I had Jamie's number in my phone, he wanted me to call him today. I'll text him, I'm not very good at starting a conversation on the phone. Once all of the shampoo was out of my hair and my body was thoroughly washed and shaved, I wrapped a towel around me and walked to my room. I put my underwear on and pulled a tanktop over my head and slipped on my favorite shorts. I quickly walked to the living room and picked up my cell phone off of the table. I scroll down through my contacts and find his name.

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