Chapter 2

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No-one's POV

Dear Fred,
Mum told me to write letters to you. She said it would help with the pain, it would make it feel like we would reunite one day. Do you think we will reunite one day? 'Cause for me I'm certain that we won't.

I've started to drink the feelings away. I come home drunk, mostly at night, and I go to our old room. I just sit in the corner and cry until I pass out from exhaustion. Then I see the memory. The memory that continues to play in my mind like a broken record.

It's been ten days and I probably look like a wreck. I wouldn't know, though, I covered all of the mirrors that I haven't broken yet. I don't eat unless someone forces me to.

You would be so disappointed in me right now: pushing our family away, refusing to laugh, refusing to talk. If I were gone and you were here, you would do so much better than I am doing.

If this letter gets to you, can you write me one back? Can you tell me if you have met Harry's parents yet? Do you see Sirus? What about Lupin? Or Tonks? Dobby? Dumbledore? Do you see me? Can you see our family?

We all miss you. Mum, dad, Ginny, Ron, Bill, Charlie, Angelina, and even Percy. Angelina wears the engagement ring you had in your pocket. Did you know she's pregnant? You're going to be a dad.

Great, now I'm crying. I have to go before I get tears all over this. Wish you were here,
Your other half, George.


Dear Fred,
The past couple of days I went to Hogwarts because they are building it back to its old glory. Can you believe it all of those passages: gone! Harry and Ron asked me to help them make a new Marauder's Map for the new Hogwarts. I nodded my head to tell them that I would be willing to help; I still haven't talked to anyone except for writing to you. They think I'm depressed, and I would hate to admit it, but I think they are right.

Today I went up to the Room of Requirements, but the thing was I wasn't in need for anything. The door opened anyway, but all that was in there was a bloody mirror. Get this, though, the mirror I saw was just a regular mirror! The room thought I needed to check my appearance. Maybe I am worse of than I thought if the Room of Requirements thinks I need to look at myself.

Send me a postcard or maybe a picture of you with the Potters, Sirius, Lupin, Dobby, Tonks, Dumbledore, and try to get Snape in the picture too! Maybe you could ask Voldemort for a picture with him; maybe you could prank Voldemort! It would be like that time we threw snowballs at him, remember? Forever wishing you were here,
Your other half, George.


George's POV

I put my new letter along with the older one. Mum was right it did make me feel better to be able to communicate with Fred even if he doesn't respond. I allowed a dry sob to escape my mouth.

I flopped down on my bed and closed my eyes remembering all the good times Fred and I had. It was four in the morning, but I was fighting going to sleep. I already didn't sleep the past three days, so my sleepiness was already getting the better of me. My breathing began to even out and my eyes started to droop. Soon I was asleep.

I stretched when the sun hit my face. It felt like a miracle going through the night without having the nightmare or any dreams. Then I realized something: in my room back home the sun always comes from the left side, but for some reason it's shining on my right side, just like the flat. I glanced around and saw I was in Fred and my flat.

I walked out to the kitchen to see someone making a potion. I cleared my throat to get his attention, but when I saw him I froze. He had Weasley hair and a face that haunted me at night. Fred stood stupidly smirking at me.

A/N This chapter is dedicated to @MistyDares25 for being the first person to comment on this book.

Also I would like to say thank you to anyone who even bothers to start to read this book. If there is anything grammar wise or that is inaccurate please tell me. My mom always says, "there's no way to improve if you don't know what you're doing wrong!"

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