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Nobody saw it coming. There weren't any signs of any oncoming havoc. It just happened, out of the blues.

But who could have guessed it anyway? It was a normal day, just like any other. The North was experiencing Winter while the South, Summer.

It began in Manhattan, New York. The specific location was never really identified.

Though it was Winter, the streets were as crowded as ever. Suddenly there was a roar- it sounded like an angry rabid wail. The once noisy streets were quiet. Everyone heard it.

A large explosion followed and everyone turned to see a once majestic tower collapse to the ground.

Out of the rubble they heard footsteps. Their hearts beat with every slow step the creature took.

Clouds of dust and ash suspended in the air and a dark outline of a creature roughly eleven feet tall could be made out. The silence was suddenly pierced by the scream of a terrified civilian. It was as if they all took this as a signal to get away.

The monster finally revealed itself, showing off its saw-like teeth when it grinned evilly. Its back was hunched and covered with layers of thick muscle showing strength. Each of its hands only had three fingers each and the same went for its feet. Its nails were black brown bone-like extensions protruding from its fingers. Its stomach contained no belly button. Its ears were just holes that looked as if they were drilled into its head. It didn't have a nose and its smile was curved into a malicious snarl. Its most prominent feature was its one eye that occupied almost half of its face. Its eye searched the crowd frantically before screaming a sort of war-like scream then charging into the dispersing crowd.

It was the first and unfortunately, not the last. More monsters of different shapes, sizes, colours, abilities and maybe even gender followed, echoing the war-like scream in their own way.

They spread throughout the city fast. They had the advantage of numbers and more importantly, the element of surprise. They seemed to destroy everything that was in their way: cars, buildings, lives.

The people ran for their lives. Some took cover but that wasn't too helpful. No one was sprared and no rock was left unturned. They were still caught.

All forces The American Government had at its disposal were sent in with only two objectives ; 1. Save the people and 2. Kill all monsters.

It all sounded easy enough when the general gave him the orders but now they were not so sure.

They tried to evacuate the city as quickly as they could by using helicopters, warcrafts etc while going on head to head combat with the monsters.

Bullets scattered everywhere. Gunshots and blood-curling screams of innocent victims being split apart savagely were the only things to be heard above the monsters roars. Explosions were going off after every minute. They put up quite a fight. 

In the end it wasn't enough. Bodies lay everywhere; both monsters and humans but mostly humans, by a landslide. It was a blood bath, a massacre.

Families were separated, never to be reunited. The ones that survived barely escaped with their lives and counted themselves lucky. They were scarred emotionally, mentally and physically.

The monsters moved from city to city barely meeting any resistance.

Within a couple of hours they had conquered The United States of America and Canada. They proceeded ti Europe and Asia then South America, Antarctica, Australia and the final blow, Africa.

It took them less than six days to ruin civilization. That's how strong they were. It took them less than six days to crumble humanity to dust. That's how powerful there were. This is what happened to the world as we know it.

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