Pain, pain and.......oh look a skittle!

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I woke up again but this time I was hooked up to all these cords, I was looking around and saw a button so being me I pushed it and in came a nurse and she saw me and explained what happened and showed mr a photo of the accident.

I woke up again but this time I was hooked up to all these cords, I was looking around and saw a button so being me I pushed it and in came a nurse and she saw me and explained what happened and showed mr a photo of the accident

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I saw what happened to my baby and started balling and the nurse immediately asked me what's wrong, "'" And with that sobs completely wracked my tiny figure. That bike is my only memory of my dad. I looked up and saw the nurse was now replaced by Mac and I flung myself into her arms and clumped fistfuls of her shirt in my hands. She pulled away and smiled and placed something in my hands, I looked down and saw.............SKITTLES!!!!!!!!!!! 

I started laughing!!

Memories of a broken girlWhere stories live. Discover now