Chapter 1- The start of it all

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Life isn't ever easy for everyone but mostly because of the decisions we make. But what do you do when you weren't the one that caused those bad consequences to happen to you. How are you able able to cope with the after math of someone else's bad choices.
Well that's exactly what happened to Eva she didn't ask for all that came to her when she was born she was just born into the mess and had to learn to live with it. She was born with a mother who didn't quit like the idea of being a house wife. Especially being that she was only seventeen still a child herself. Her father being a responsible young man got married so that she wouldn't be born out of wedlock.

Not to long after Eva had two sibling. A brother only a year younger than her and a sister four years younger than her. Life wasn't great for either of them, but they were was able to make the best of it. The thing Eva didn't expect was that at the age of ten having to grow up and no longer be a child. Be so young yet having the role of mother fall on her lap. Their mother decided that she needed to live her own life. Leaving behind all resposibilites of raising three kids. 

Eva's pov:
How is it that she could just leave with no remorse and no explanation as to why she left.
Eva:mom please don't go(crying on her knees well her mother already has a foot out the door)
Mom: I am not ready to be a housewife let alone a mother. Eve I just .....can't. I haven't lived my life and I still have chance to go and explore the world. Sorry...

End of flashback~~~~

Due to her mother leaving her father felt as though he couldn't take care of them by himself. So he took his kids and dropped them off at his sister house he thought she would be best fit to help raise his kids. Not knowing that all his kids needed was his love.

After being at her aunts house for two years Eva learned to do what was told or their would be horrible consequences. Her aunt used strictness when trying to raise them and made sure that if they disobeyed her they got a punishment. Although their aunt raised them with strictness for eve that was all she knew of how affection was shown because although her aunt was strict she was the only now who stayed a constant in her life. Their aunt made so many sacrifices for all three of them that all Eva and her siblings could do is obey her rules. Although they appreciated all she had done for them they never felt that motherly love from her. She wasn't obligated to have feel those feelings towards them but as time passed they left like a burden towards her. Not only did they feel that way but it did start to show in the way she would find any little things to punish them or yell at them.

One day Eva wanting to be the a helpful kid started doing the dishes with her brother to help her aunt out. Even though all her other cousins were playing around in the backyard she decided to help out. She was washing the plates well her brother would place them sides ways to dry. What they didn't expect was the dishes to act like a dominos and all start falling on the floor breaking. Eva and Ray  looked at each other hoping no one else heard the noise and tried to desperately hid them from their aunt. But she was way ahead of them and when she saw them run she caught up to them giving them a beating that they will never forget.

I can't stand all this beating they think just because I have no one to defend me that they can punish me to this extent. Yes what we did was bad but it wasn't on purpose she could have at least let us explain ourselves to her. All I wanted was to help her out and look at me know I can't even move because how bad my back hurts from all the hits I got from her. I don't want to be here anymore! I don't want to be hit again!

 Why can't my mom see how we are living and just come take us back. I would forgiver her if it meant having her here with me.

I need to find a better living solution for me and my sibling, anywhere but here. 

Narrator ~~~

Eva being the cleaver young kid. She was able to get her dads girlfriend to giver some money and take them to her grandmothers house herself. Little did she know it was his girlfriends was go keeping his kids out of his lives. She wasn't doing it to help her and her sibling out but for her own benefit. Eva was so great full to have someone helping them as she hadn't felt that much in her life. Being so young Eva was naive to what her dad's girlfriend was doing. All Daphne really wanted was to have the kids gone so that their dad wouldn't  have to give money to them anymore. So she did indeed help them get to their grandmothers house but she never informed anyone.
Back at her aunts house everyone was going crazy looking for the kids trying to see where they were. They may have not had had those feelings a mother or father would towards their kinds but they still cared for them. Their aunts and uncles looked for hours for them but they were no where to be found. Eventually they gave up and thought they would just come out eventually never thought much of it .

Even though they never found them a police report  was never made because the assumed they were with their mother. Although they did care for the kids with money being so tight at their aunts house she really felt it was for the best that they were gone. 

Grandmother house
At their grandmothers house they thought it would be better but they didn't understand that she had six kids of her own to care for. Although they were her only grandkids she didn't have that grandmother instincts because she had kids younger than them. Being below poverty and having six kids to feed was hard enough for her but having three more kids to feed made a stretch. This causes a lot of tension on the kids causing them to release some anger on Eva and her siblings. Her aunts and uncles( which were her age) nicknames them the orphans or said comments such as "even your parents didn't want you". Although many took it as kids being kids it caused great scars for eva, ray and mary. Being so young and bouncing from place to place no one really saw a future for them all three were merely just excising not living.


Hope you guys like it!!!

Evas life will be a rollercoaster but its worth the ride

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