Chapter 1: In which she begins anew

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Chapter 1: In which she begins anew

1 year later...

I let an exasperated groan as I stared blankly at my computer screen. The black screen seemed to stare at me too as my reflection mocked me.

Looks like Mr. Degraw wasn't going to get his flight schedules that he needed after all.

I angrily turned away from the screen but not before casting a scowl at the stupid screen. I'd been begging Mr. Degraw to upstage his computer systems before they became too outdated but does he listen to me. No, never. I'm just the personal assistant who has helped him build a major empire within one year of working at his company. He's never given me any credit for helping him build his massive empire. It should be my name on the building instead of Thomas Degraw, besides if it wasn't for me and my determination to see to everything and guide him; the name Thomas Degraw would just be another shitty undiscovered entrepreneur.

I reclined back in my chair and ran my fingers through my hair. Mr. Degraw was in a meeting and more than likely expecting  the stock reports for this month.

I looked around the quiet office for any sign of life. Tina was madly typing away at her keyboard as her lips were pulled into a thin line of determination as her grey eyes were fixed hard on her screen in concentration. I decided not to bother her just yet.

The other personal assistant Mr. Degraw had hired, Kimberly,  had not yet come back from her trip to the IT room. It was completely typical for scatterbrained sex crazed Kimberly not to show up when there was attractive men elsewhere in the building. If I didn't know her as well I did I would've gotten her fired the first month in after I caught her giving a blowjob to her crazy Italian ex boyfriend in the bathroom. There was no doubt in my mind that she was fucking the life out of the cute new IT that had transferred from the France division in the stairwell. I didn't have the heart or the stomach to check the theory.

Of course she had already sank her claws into him within a month of his transfer. Kimberly was always a sucker for guys with accents.

I nibbled on the end of my pencil as I picked up my blackberry. I knew that I could easily email the flight schedules to him from my berry but my fingers were to lazy to do the work it took.

" God damn it." Tina cursed as she snapped off her monitor angrily. I assumed by the angry expression on her face that she too had her computer finally breakdown on her.

" How is it that he's one of the most richest men in the world but can't- no wont- upgrade his fucking computer systems." She ranted as she leaned back in her chair. I laughed and shook my head. Tina had been working here with me at Mr. Degraw's company since I first got hired. There was a time when I hated her only because she was getting paid more than I was by just a little. That was back when I was still on a paid internship that barely helped me pay the bills I had.

" Have you seen any sign of Kim?" I asked as I warily watched the clock. Mr. Degraw would he back any minute now and if didn't see all of us there working he'd flip his shit. I learned very quickly that Mr. Degraw had liked to return to things just the way they were when he left. So that meant if I was working hard when he left for meeting then I'd better be working hard when he got back.

Tina too looked at the clock and then looked at the door.

" No. Is she still in the stairwell with Jean?" She asked as she picked up her phone.

" Do you even have to ask that question?" I asked dryly as I spun my chair in a circle. I will murder this girl if she didn't make it on time.

Suddenly Kimberly burst the through the door. Her blonde hair was falling out of its bun as her shirt was unevenly buttoned. Her bright brown eyes were aglow with a satisfied shine as she proudly walked to her desk.

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