Wallflower | Kim Namjoon

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Wallflower (n.)
1. A person who because of shyness, unpopularity, or lack of a partner, remains at the side at a party or dance.
2. Any person that remains on or has been forced to the sidelines of any activity.


Hello and welcome to my Namjoon fic!

I wrote this a long time ago and didn't give any sort of warning at the beginning of the book so I wanted to now. This book might include some potentially triggering content so please don't read it if you feel like you can't, or if you think you shouldn't. I don't want anyone risking any part of their mental well-being just to read my book. Read at your own risk and please know your limit!

Also! This IS a fanfiction! Everything in this book is merely a work of fiction and shouldn't be taken seriously at all. Any ideas or concepts I've projected upon Namjoon in this book should be taken very lightly as they are not supposed to reflect him in real life.

Please enjoy the book! I hope you're able to smile at least once this week, you're very beautiful when you smile <3

Wallflower | Kim NamjoomWhere stories live. Discover now