Chapter 15***

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Chapter 15***

The Truth Behind It All

Christian's POV

I'm scared to tell Kaytee my real name. I'm sure that she doesn't remember the good times. She only knows what her parents have told her. After the accident, my  parents told me that I should stay away from her. I listened because I thought that my absence from Kaytee would help her heal. I'm not sure why I believed them. Maybe because I was young and naive.

I can still remember the accident like it was yesterday. We were riding in the backseat of dad's car. He swerved to miss a kitten. The truck tried to avoid hitting us, but it was too late. The truck hit us head on and spun us around. Right before I passed out, I remember seeing Kaytee. She was barely breathing. I remember grabbing her tiny hand and holding on as tight as I could. I remember whispering to her. I don't really remember what I said to her, but whatever it was made her smile. I can still see the small smile on the her face. It was the prettiest smile that I'd ever seen.

I remember waking up in a hospital room with family surrounding my bedside. I glanced around to look for the smiling face of the girl I loved, but I never found her.

"Mom, where's Kaytee?"

"She's in a coma, sweetie."

Hot tears rolled down my cheeks. My best friend was in a coma. At the time, I didn't know what that meant, but I knew that it wasn't good.  I remember telling them that I wanted to see her. They never did let me. 

Months later, I was finally able to return to school and be a normal kid again. I remember the first time that I was able to see Kaytee again. I ran over and gave her the biggest hug. I remember being confused because she pushed me away. I remember her looking down at her feet and quietly telling me that she had no clue who I was. I went home that day and told my mom all about it. Mom explained that Kaytee had lost her memory and she only remembered certain things.

I was young and I really didn't understand what she had told me, but I acted like I knew. Mom told me to keep my distance from Kaytee. She said that as soon as Kaytee was back to normal, we'd be best friends again.

Well, Kaytee never went back to 'normal'. She moved on and forgot about me. I never blamed her for forgetting me. She couldn't fix a broken friendship that she didn't remember. She moved on with her life and I moved on with mine. Well, I tried to. I still loved her with all of my heart and I still do. She had a new group of friends that didn't like me. So she believed that she had to hate me to keep her friends. So that's exactly what she did.

Did I stop her? No. I didn't.  I should've, but I didn't. Even though she 'hated' me, she always looked upset when she insulted me. I knew that she felt guilty. She used to tell me that she always felt guilty when she was mean to people. I never told anyone what was happening. I always knew that deep in her heart, she never meant a word. She was only being that way because she felt lonely and she wanted friends. Friends that would love her and treat her like family. They never really treated her the best, but I suppose it was better than not having someone. Personally, I'd rather be alone than to have fake friends, but she needed someone.

Everyday, I would watch her as she plastered a fake smile on her face while she was with her 'friends'. Sometimes, I would see her in the hallway with a frown on her face and tears in her eyes. I wanted to be her knight and shining amour, but I knew better.

She didn't need me anymore. She had others to help her. I wasn't worth remembering. I didn't want to bring back painful memories that needed to be forgotten. I was not going to put that beautiful girl through more pain. I couldn't. I didn't have it in me. No one was going to make me do it.

I couldn't tell her who I was. I.had finally gotten my girl back. I wasn't letting her go this time. I need to tell her, and I will. Just not right now. I'll have to explain about the accident and all of that. I can think about it all day long, but I don't think I'm ready to exactly talk about it. I have some pretty rough memories from the accident. I don't really care to think about them.


Hey guys. I'm soo sorry for the wait....its been awhile.....a long while.

I'm not even going to explain.

I am trying to get back on track with this book!!! I'll try to update every promises about that.....but I will try!!!

Please vote and comment!!!

Love ya!!


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