GerIta dare, ve~

29 3 24

Yan-Chan: germany, italy?

Both: yeeeeeeessssss?


* Yan-Chan fainted cause of America scaring me *

Italy: look what you did!😭

Romano: ok... get me a bowl of cold water!

Germany: here!

* Romano pours the water on me! *

Yan-Chan: ROMANO!!!! Why......😩 can't do any thing about it now can I!

* Yan-Chan changes into maid outfit *

GerIta: what did you need of us!

Yan-Chan: like America said, but you got dared by demonickittycats to do, and I quote' BDSM '

Italy: I know what that is!

* Germany gets out another maid outfit and a whip *

Germany: put this on Ita-Kun.

Italy: ok! * Puts on maid outfit *

Yan-Chan: what are you gonna do?

Germany: Italy, get on the bed!

Italy: yes, master Germany.

Yan-Chan: just to keep this pg rated... let's just say they had a 'good time', and Germany barley used his whip...

Everyone: see you next time! We'll be waiting!

Thank you for everyone's support... I admire every one who reads my work... really animesenpaitomboy helped me out with inspiration!

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