Chapter 1

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The air was stiff. Although the sun was out, it always seemed to be cold. The only sound to be heard were my footprints and the screeching of the Social worker's car reversing out of the driveway.

Seems like someone doesn't like any family confrontation... I wonder what were to happen if an anonymous tip got filed against her. I mean- she was rude, not waiting at the front door.

Knock knock

The silence has an eerie feeling to it. I don't like the silence, especially when I'm outside alone contemplating life and wondering when the door is going to ope-

Being interrupted by my thoughts I didn't notice the figure standing by the doorway.

"Oh why hello dear! Oh how tall you've gotten since last time I saw you. You were just a small little munchkin!"

I never realized how young grandma looks until now.

As I lean in to give my grandma a hug I bring up the fact that "It has been a while since I've seen you" 

"Oh sweets how I've missed you after all these years, I'm terribly sorry for what happened to your parents."

'Just thinking about my parents makes me think about the good times we had'

There was a time when I was young where I almost drowned- not before my dad saved me. I remember the exact words he told me 'be careful next time Ruby, or you'll end up like a dried prune' Those words never ceased to confuse me, for I still thibk about that moment till this day.

"Oh why don't you come in dear, hm... where'd the social worker go. I thought I just heard you speaking with someone right outside. Oh well, they probably had something else to do".

I just shrugged. When I stepped into the house it smelled like chocolate chip cookies, they are my favorite treat especially homemade ones, they remind me of the times my mother and I used to spend in the kitchen, baking and talking for hours.

"Thanks grandma"
You could honestly not have understood a word that I said, and probably think that I was weird if you did not know of the situation I was in right now. Many people just don't get it, and that's what hurts the most sometimes.

"Okay dear, I know how you much you love my home made cookies so I baked some. They were supposed to be a surprise,but I guess you just have a keen scent, so in the meantime why don't you find your room and unpack".

"Okay i'll head up and go pack, but I'll be happy to help later with dinner if you need it".

"That's okay sweets just go up and pack, i'll be fine down here for now. You know you remind me of your mother, oh how kind spirited she was..."

I just wished to not hear anything about my parents for awhile, but I guess time is just catching up to me now.

I think I spent five minutes looking for the room but at least I found out my Grandma has a knitting room, a yoga/Gym room, a library, and other rooms I don't remember. I have always wondered what grandma did for a living, and I have tried asking but she always laughs is off.

Well, I finally found my room and it was... big. I'm really not into very big things, but it's convenient. I stood at the middle of my room acknowledging how big the room is, I really have got to ask grandma how she managed to buy this whole house.

I went to put everything where it should go which took more time than expected since I was trying to connect to the WiFi in this place. After I was done I took a shower got changed, and went downstairs to get something to eat, but then I noticed there was a balcony at the end of the hall, but there was an odd force of nature pulling me to the balcony door. Me being curious I walked up and opened it.

Until I heard someone yell out my name. Jesus Christ.


Oh how could I forget that lovely scream from all these years

Note the sarcasm

I turn my head only to be greeted by Stacy in a bikini with her hair tied in a bun, then I see another girl I don't recognize and two other guys looking at me strangely.

" Hey, Stacy you don't.. have to scream you know, everyone from a mile away could hear you".

"SORRY, it's a habit..."

I will say that since I've been gone, the person that i have dreaded seeing again- was Stacy.

"...Oh sorry I did it again didn't I"


"Well do you want to join us in my pool? We can hangout and catch up again!"

" No I.. can't sorry... my grandma is going call me for dinner soon!"

"Aw man! I wanted to catch up with you after all these years!"

"Yeah... Maybe another time!"

"Okay then bye bye Ruby!"

I waved a goodbye and headed towards the inside when I got downstairs the smell of cookies filled my nose. Sometimes she can be a bit annoying. And loud. And annoying, oh wait I already said that.

"Ruby come on down, dinner's ready!".

"Alright I'll be down in a bit grandma!"

Back when I was young Stacy always used to come over to my house saying how she 'wanted to play with dolls' oh how annoying she was. I never even liked them but grandma always told me I should look at the bright side in people. Sadly, Stacy never had a bright side.

I sat down at the table, but not before I washed my hands. I see grandma made her special lasagna, usually when she's nervous about something and doesn't want to say much about it, or when it's actually a special occasion.

But what part of having to move in with your grandma after you parents got shot is classified as a special occasion. 

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