Chapter 2

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I couldn't sleep. At all last night. It's difficult when you have to sleep in a new bed and a new house that you haven't been in since awhile.

"Ruby! It's time to get up. You have to be at school early to get your schedule for the semester!"

No one ever told me that I had school, and I'm supposed to get ready in twenty minutes, which is usually enough time for me. But it's still annoying having to get up later than usual.

"I'll be right there!"

I get up from my bed, and change into my black flannel shirt, black pants which feel very uncomfortable since I haven't been wearing them for awhile. And finally, I put my converse on and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I finished brushing my teeth, I left to go downstairs to eat some food.

"I'm here gran, I'm here."

"Hey sweety, here I made you some pancakes and eggs, and you better hurry up and eat them now before you're late. On the first day".

"Thanks grandma I'll be done in five!" I say while I get my pancakes. No really I can eat very fast, as in. Fast.

"Okay dear I'll be doing some laundry, oh! and you can borrow my car to head to school, I don't use it that much."

"Grandma you're the best". It came out kind of muffled since I had stuffed a pancake in my mouth.

I had finished with my pancakes, and as soon as I was done I grabbed my backpack, and ran to the car. Waiting a few moments till the car heated up a pulled out of the driveway and hopefully tried to not get lost on the way to school.

Once I got there I noticed there weren't many kids around, other than the ones who hang out by their cars acting cool.

Since the school was big I had to ask someone for directions and they fortunately were nice enough to lend me a hand.

I hadn't noticed that school started in thirty, and that I  had freaked out about nothing this morning since I saw the clock in the front office.

"Hi, i'm Ruby Rose and I'm the new student." I greet the lady at the front desk.

"Oh yes, you're the new transfer student here's your schedule!"
She goes to some Cabinets and opens one that is filled with papers, she finally finds my schedule and gives it to me.

"Here you go Ruby dear I'm sorry that an old lady like myself had to hold you up for too long."

"Oh It's okay and by the way you don't look a day over 30."

But it's true though, that lady looked like she was in her late 20's and honey I don't know what aging cream she buys but I want it.

I wasn't seeing where I was going and ended up bumping into someone with a very strong build.

Oh, the guy I saw yesterday at Stacy's pool I think.

"Ugh! Watch where your going you idiot!" He said while rubbing his head.

(I could've dropped my croissant)

"I should be telling you the same thing you douche!" At that moment the whole hallway was looking at us- well me, as if I had just messed with the devil himself.

So much for a good first impression.

"Did you just call me a douche!"

"Yes I did and do I regret it? Nope!"

The whole hallway was quiet, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Everyone was just staring like I grew a second head.

"Well you know what I'm gonna do to you-

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