Chapter 1

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Rocky's POV

I just arrived in Miami to move to my house and start my new music career. I miss Cece already but every since shake it up ended I've been planning on starting my music career and now it's actually happening.

~1 hour later~

As soon as I got home I got a call from Jimmy Starr. He told me to meet him at his studio in 30 minutes.

Austin's POV

I was at the studio recording a new song until I saw a beautiful, tall, girl with brown wavy hair and hazel eyes walk in with Jimmy. I stopped recording as soon as I saw her. Jimmy signaled me to come out and meet her. I swear I was so nervous that my hands were shaking.

J: Austin this is Starr Records newest recording artist Rocky Blue

A: Hi im Austin moon

R: well, Jimmy just introduced me but I'm rocky blue. I'm from Chicago.


J : I hope you guys have a great bond because Austin, you will be showing Rocky around Miami

A: Okay. When should we start?

J : Don't ask me, I'm not the One who has to show someone around and help them record new songs.

R : So harsh but so true.

A : well we could start tommorow

R : sounds good to me

A : well I guess il see you tommorow at 2

R : you know we have to meet here because I don't know my way around Miami

A : That's ok well bye

Still Austin's POV

I feel like I have an acrobat in my stomach. I have to hang out with a girl that I'm nervous to be around because she is so beautiful. I hope I don't sound like a fool tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2013 ⏰

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