Chapter 17

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"Hello Joker" Harley says in an angered tone.
"Hello Harls" Joker responds
"Do not call me that Sir, you shall address me as Doctor, or Doctor Quinzel" she responds back even harsher than before.
"Ok. Doc-tor" Joker menaces
"Shall we start?" Harley asks rhetorically
"I think I'll be asking the questions and analyzing your brain. See ha- Doctor Quinzel you analyze everyone else's brain yet not a single person analyzes your's. You see I know more about you thank you think I do. You think I only knew the tip of the ice burg that is you. But no I know much much more. I pay attention more than you think I do. I know that the thought of our daughter growing up to look like me or resemble what I used to look like. Or the thought of me dying and leaving you forever kills you. You are still in love with me Harley and you always will be. I turned you into what you are. I am the reason you have a child. I am the reason people know you around here. You claim that what relationship we had was abuse but deep down inside, you know you only left because you couldn't commit to this lifestyle that we shared with our child. You never wanted to leave me. You are only delusional you don't know what you are thinking. You'll never make it without me." Joker says trying to get Harley to take him back and get him out of this place. Harley knew the truth and she's knew he was trying to get in her head.
"You are only trying to get in my head. You were the worst thing that has ever happened to me! I never should have let you trick me into going off with you. If it weren't for your idiot actions and your stupid mind tricks my daughter would be with a loving dad and mom, not a single mother and a terrible knock off father. And don't you dare call yourself a worth while father, you didn't even show up to her birth!" Harley screamed at the joker.
"You little bitch-" he didn't get to finish before Harley called in the guards to take him back to his cell. She was done.

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