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So now that you guys know the 'basic things' that almost everybody knows, I'll go a few years back where all my depression started I guess. So that's probably 5 years back, when I was 10 years old.

I always got bullied back them, because of my glasses, how I dressed, how I looked. Basically I got bullied because I was being myself. One day I've had enough of it and attacked a kid with a chair and almost hit the teacher to! Yeah go ahead you can laugh about it, I did too. But after that, things just got worse and worse. Everyone started to ignore me, they didn't even picked me with soccer, they just pretended I didn't exist... That was the first time about the best way to kill myself and not hurting anyone. And for a 10 year old girl, I had lots of crazy idea's...

Then I turned 12, and decided to keep everything to myself, my angers, sadness and all other emotions and put on a mask. I liked to call it: The Mask of Happiness. And because I weared that mask every single day, my teacher, classmates and even my parents thought everything was okay. But then that school was over...and I had to go to high school...

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