• hello•

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Two hours had passed since Mark fell asleep on the boat. Mark woke up to something wet on his face. Then another. Then another. He soon realized it was raining. Hard. To make matters even worse he couldn't see any land in sight. He quickly got out his thin cloak and put it over his head to try and protect himself from the rain. Mark started paddling the boat in any direction so that he could find land. A few moments later the waves started to grow taller and the boat started to rock. He tried to keep it steady but it was no use. The boat hit a large rock and unfortunately so did Mark's head. He blacked out.

Mark's pov

    I woke up with a horrible headache. I looked around to see where I was and what I saw surprise me. I was in a huge underground cave with beautiful dark crystals hanging of large stalagmites and stalactites. There was a beautiful blue river running through the whole cavern leading down further into darker places that I didn't quite want to explore in fear of what could be down here. There was also a small open space at the top of the cave so that the sunlight could peak through and cause the crystals to glow a gorgeous array of colors.

   How did I get here? I asked myself. I was laying on a pile of wet seaweed that was tied together to make it look like a blanket. It was actually pretty comfortable to say the least. But who made it? The last thing I remember is me on my boat and it started to rain. I was deep in my thoughts when I heard a splash. I tried to find the source of the splash but saw nothing. Assuming it was a fish of some kind I returned to my thoughts. Then there was another splash and... Giggling? I looked toward the water and saw a flash of (f/c) . (Fav color)
"Hello?" I spoke shyly.  " heheheheeee!" Giggled the unknown source. 
" who's there?" I said a little loader.
" me doofus." The thing spoke.
I gathered a little more courage and asked, "show yourself!...please?" Saying the last part quietly. " you know for a soon-to-be ruler of your kingdom you sure are shy." Said the rather smooth and feminine voice. Just then a huge wave came at me. And it brought along something I thought I'd never see.

" hi " the mermaid spoke.

That's the end of chapter two! Feel free to correct my grammar mistakes or even suggest ideas for the next chapter! Anyway thank you guys for watching and I will see you, in the next chapter! Bye bye!

A type of love Markiplier x reader AUWhere stories live. Discover now