Chapter One

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Grayson had never seen the way leaves changed color in fall or the way flowers bloomed in spring. He never seen the sky change from night to day in a beautiful sunrise. He had felt the way the air turned colder and smelled leaves starting to decay in a pleasant aroma. He's felt the dew start forming on he's skin and the soft grass under him the time he and his sister camped out one summer evening when they were still just kids. He has never seen he's mother or sister, but he knew they were beautiful. Grayson has never laid eyes on he's father, but he knew the way he's hand felt tough and strong as it held onto his as he crossed the road. 

Grayson was blind, always has been. He was born that way and he accepted it along time ago. It was difficult when he was younger. He didn't understand why everyone else could see and he couldn't. When he was about 7 he accepted that he was never going to see. He didn't mind it anymore. He did mind the fact that it made people feel sorry for him and treat him differently. He didn't like being put into special classes. Grayson was smart and he thanked he's blindness for that. It had made him strive to prove to everyone that he could do what the other kids did like learn in a normal class room and  at a normal pace. He was also kindhearted and he'd like to think he'd still be that way even if he could see. 

When he went into high school, no body picked on him like he thought. He was never sure if that was because they felt sorry for him or if it was the influence of he's older sister, Megan. She was quite popular and two grades higher then him. She had graduated the year before leaving him to face junior year alone. Well not alone. He had he's best friend Caroline who stuck by he's side since middle school. According to he's sister she had turned into quiet a 'hottie' during the summer and started to get a lot more attention from boys. He just hoped that didn't mean she'd leave him. He couldn't help but panic a little. 

It had been silently decided that Caroline would make sure he got to and from school since Megan had graduated. The first day of school she showed up at he's door with coffee already ready. He could be ill in the morning. 

"Meg pick out your clothes?" she guessed as they got into her car. It smelled cleaner then it did last time he got in it. 

"Yeah" he grunted as he blew on he's coffee before sipping it. It was creamy and sweet just like he liked it. 

"Figured. You don't look like a hobo" she teased, but he could tell she was smiling. He knew Caroline was short from all the times they hugged and the top of her head only barely brushed his chin and she was petite from having his arms around her. He knew her hair was long and silky from all the times he played with it as they sat on he's bed and listened to music. He knew she had green eyes from what she told him, but he didn't know what green looked like. When someone said the word green, he thought of the way grass felt and smelled. What she looked like was a mystery that he'd never solve. 

"Well you still smell like one" he shot back playfully, smiling in her general direction. 

"I'm glaring at you right now" she informed in a huff.

When they got to school, Grayson waited in the car as Caroline got out and went around to open the door for him. It had became a routine for his family since he had dented and scratched so many cars when he was younger from just swinging the door open and Caroline had adapted it automatically. 

"We have first hour together" she told him once he was out. They looped arms and headed off towards the school. If Grayson was hoping for a change this year, he would have been sadly disappointed. It still smelled like a odd mix of perfumes, cologne, and cleaners and it was still far to loud, making him fill lost and claustrophobic. They got a few hellos and I missed you's as they headed to their locker. Like the year before, he and Caroline were sharing a locker. Mostly because he didn't need much space since he had few textbooks and he kept he's school work on files in on he's laptop until he could print it out at home in braille. 

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