Chapter 2 Of the Boondocks

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Chapter 2

The bullets where coming from the west. Hunter was hovering over me to protect me from the gun shots. He pulled out his Desert Eagle and shot west. He was out of ammo and that means all we have to do is just wait until its over.

The gun shots stopped and Hunter told me to"Run like hell to the house and grab a gun and wait" "I'm not leaving you Hunter you're my brother I'm not leaving you to get shot" I exclaimed.

"Fine then" He yelled.

We started running south to our home. When we finally got there we where both out of breath. "You ok" Hunter said breathless.

"Ya are you ok" I ask.

"Ya. See this is why I tell you to carry a weapon on you at all times. You could have been out there by your self and got shot or worse."

We don't say the word death out loud because we both know that's what coming to us if we stay in the boondocks. They used to be in the city then They moved into the country because that's where most of the survivors are.

"Bo you alright over there. You went blank for a minute." Hunter asked

"Ya just thinking" I replied

"Get in the house" Hunter ordered.

I opened the red door and walked through the kitchen to my room. My room is not to big and not to small and it's always clean.

The walls are an aqua blue and my floor is black and white checkers. With a queen sized bed. With a black sheet,pillow cases, and blanket.

It's a little goth as Hunter would say. I didn't care.

I laid down and went to sleep.


When I woke up it was about seven o-clock. I could smell Hunter making bacon. Bacon? Odd we don't have working stove or pigs. Them. I ran into the kitchen with my buck knife and saw a regular face. Not Hunters face but a boys face around my age. He had a sharp jaw line and nose. With short black hair.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my house" I demanded. He jumped toward me and knocked me down to the ground. He had knocked the buck knife out of my hand. He put his hands around my neck and I hit him in the jaw as hard as I could. I hit him hard but not hard enough. He grabbed the buck knife and stabbed me in the left shoulder. I screamed and punched him with my right arm.

Hunter ran in and the boy shot him in the head and killed him.

I screamed.


"Bo what's wrong! Bo!" A familiar voice yelled.

I opened my eyes and it was Hunter. He was not dead. He's not dead!

"Your alive" I exclaimed

"Been alive for 26 years Bo. Now what the hell where you screaming about."

I hugged him. I couldn't make it without Hunter. If it where not for him I would have been dead already.

"It's gonna be ok I will die when I'm ready. I ain't ready yet." Hunter said trying to make me feel better.

" I know" I replied

"You had better. Come on breakfast is ready." Hunter remarked.

I got up changed and brushed my hair. After I did that I walked into the kitchen and Hunter jokingly said "America went to hell still got to come my hair."

"Oh shut up" I remarked

We both started to laugh. Breakfast was a military breakfast. Ham and eggs c-rations. They where ok when heated and it looked like someone barfed in it but it was food.

We ate in silence. After we ate we did the daily perimeter check. The property was huge. I don't know how many acres it is but it's big.

I noticed dark clouds over my head that covered the sun. Rain clouds. We haven't had rain since the attack then I felt something wet touch my cheek. Rain. It started to rain cats and dogs. I stood their and let the rain soak me.


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