♡Rules and Cheats♡

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Follow Me: I would greatly appreciate it, especially if you're sending in a form... but it's not required if you really don't want to... Also! I have some other apply fics you can check out- and stories ^_^

Add to your Library: Or reading list... just anyway to give you notifications for when I update

Be Active: Please comment and vote tons! That means a lot to me, and I'd like to see that people are enjoying the story #VOMMENT

Be Polite: Please no rude or annoying comments. I would like for this to be a healthy, friendly environment. [piano man]

Respect: This is for anyone who I accept as the members... Please respect my decisions for the story and please don't get upset. Oh and I always take in suggestions for the plot and such so feel free to send stuff in

Patience: I'm a high school student with a rigorous track/xc trainings and such. And If I don't update 24/7 please don't be upset

Password: it's here on this page so pleeeaasseee look

Forms: pm or please pastebin

*Pastebin is a website so you can make a new page, write/copy stuff down and then there you go!!!*


Face Claims: soo... really go ahead and pick whoever: just make sure that it makes sense. If you pick a dancer pick Momo- singer pick Wendy. But pay attention to age as well! If you're the maknae, don't pick Taeyeon (I love her but she's not a teenager lol)

Form: please be very detailed and thorough. be original and really make me want to have your character- settling isn't fun.

Love Interest: don't just all choose bts or that. try to think of your bias but who your character would go well with. I always make sure I like the pairing before I choose

Nyx | gg applyficWhere stories live. Discover now