Chapter 29

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I'm saying my goodbyes here.

Thank you so much for reading Take A Chance.

I hope you read more of my books (I just published one called Sorry, Wrong Person) I also have another book ready, and it's a collab with koreaweab, my sister. Obv Chanbaek. Okay I'll...

I'll C you guys...

In another book?


--Story Ended: 160707--

They had lost, but in the ending it didn't leave a sour taste in their mouths. Instead, they were left with memories of how they got there, the laughter, the effort and everything that came with it.

After being together in the change room, they could proudly say that they didn't regret what they did, even if it ended with them losing.

Sehun, for one, could say that he gained something from that match.

"Watch where you're going—" Sehun stopped his sentence when he noticed that he was looking down at the one and only Luhan.

Luhan turned away from his piercing gaze and pretended it didn't affect him (but his cheeks and posture told that it totally did).

"Sorry..." Luhan trailed off and played with his fingers.

Luhan didn't usually act this way, but around the person whom he had a crush on for a year and a half, how could he not?

"NNo, sorry, I didn't realize it was you."

Although Luhan disappeared without a word, Sehun couldn't lie that he missed his unmanly face and voice.

Luhan's hair was newly dyed a cotton pink colour, and if anything, he looked younger than before; his eyelashes long and his lips still soft-looking.

"I'll just... Get out of your way then," Sehun awkwardly stated as he maneuvered around Luhan.

After Sehun had walked further away, he suddenly heard Luhan.


Sehun turned around and Luhan ran up to him, grabbing his hand and shoving something into it before running away.

Sehun looked at his figure questioningly before looking down at what was in his hand.

Numbers were messily written on blank paper in a haste, and at the bottom it said: 'My number'.

Sehun only let out a chuckle and placed the paper in his pocket.


"Okay," Xiumin spoke up. "Why were you even crying, Jongdae?" Xiumin questioned.


"I mean, you played only one game with us before the finals, why did you suddenly get so emotional?" He questioned and Jongdae frowned.

"You guys were all crying, how could I not? And plus, acting seemed like fun," he mentioned.

"It is," Sehun quipped and Baekhyun glared at him from across the table.

"What else could I expect from The Jongdae?" Xiumin rolled his eyes.

"Aww, you know you love 'The Jongdae'," Jongdae teased.

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