Chapter Seventeen: Broken Trust

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Zayn and I lay there in my bed are bodies tangled neither of us bothered to say a word. This experience was interesting. I liked it. "I hope that made you feel at least a little better." he says and kisses my forehead.

"Kinda." I say.

The doorbell rang again and I groaned. It was probably the pizza I had ordered before Zayn had arrived. I leave my bed taking my sheet with me and I got to my closet and grab on of my robes and tie it around my body.

"I'll be right back." I say and he nods. I walk down stairs and entire my kitchen going to the cookie jar to get money out of it. I looked out the window and a crash of thunder boomed making me jump a bit as I made my way to the front door.

I opened it, I couldn't really see who it was due to the lack of light. I switched on the light and I gasped.

"Harry?" I say.

"Your paper is-" he held it up. It was soaked just like him.

"Di-did you walk here?" I ask.

"I ran." he says. "Can I come in?"

"Lily who's at the door." I turn around and I see Zayn behind me in his boxers only. Fuck.

"Oh I-" I stare between the two of them. Unsure as to what to do or say. I was so shocked by Harry being here. I didn't want to see him. I had immediately started to regret sleeping with Zayn.

"Well this is awkward.." Zayn says.

"You fucking bastard." Harry spat, his face turning red with anger, before I new it, Harry was charging toward Zayn.


I stood there frozen as I watched Harry jump from my door step to inside my house pouncing on Zayn. I started to scream when I say Harry punch Zayn. "Harry!" I scream slamming the front door shut, making my way to the two of them.

"Harry!" I scream again trying to pull him away from Zayn. Harry had hit Zayn in the face several times that he was bleeding now.

I finally manage to get Harry off of Zayn and push him away. "GET OUT!" I scream at Harry and his face changes. "Get the fuck out right now!" I yell.

"Wh-what?" he asked getting confused.

"You heard me, leave right now!" I say.

"Lily I-I-"

"Just go." I say as I feel tears come to my eyes. I hear the door open and close and I turn to look at Zayn.

"Zayn I-I had no idea he would come here like that.. I am so sorry." I say as I make my way over to him. "Let me clean you up." I say and take his hand, leading him to the kitchen.

"Lily I'm fine." he says as we walk.

"Are you sure?" I ask him, he nods and I sigh.

"I'm sorry he did that I really am." I say. "Please don't say anything please don't." I beg him.

"I wont, but if he comes near me again I will fucking kill him." Zayn threatens and I shake my head not really knowing what else to say or do.

"Zayn I'm sorry. You shouldn't have came over tonight you should just go." I said.

"Yeah.." he says standing up. "I'll go get my stuff." he says and I nod. He disappears up my stairs and I sigh not really knowing what I was going to do after this or about Harry. I have to figure out about Zayn to I mean I just had amazing night with him and amazing sex with him, but I can't decide if it means anything to me or not..

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